October 2019

FCC Requires 911 Fee Parity for VoIP & Traditional Phone Service

The Federal Communications Commission clarified that state, local, and Tribal governments cannot charge the same class of subscribers total 911 fees that are higher for VoIP services than for traditional telecommunications services with the same 911 calling capability.

800 MHz Rebanding Initiative Supports Interference-Free Public Safety Communications

The Federal Communications Commission streamlined rules and procedures to reduce administrative costs and accelerate the successful conclusion of its 800 MHz band reconfiguration program, which was designed to enable public safety, critical infrastructure, and other licensees in the band to operate free of the interference that previously plagued first responder communications.

FCC Grants Charter Communications' Effective Competition Petition

The Federal Communications Commission adopted an Order granting Charter Communication’s Petition for Determination of Effective Competition, based on a finding that Charter is subject to effective competition from the AT&T TV NOW video streaming service in certain franchise areas in Hawaii and Massachusetts where Charter is currently subject to rate regulation.