October 2019

Facebook Reaches Proposed Settlement in Video Measurement Lawsuit

Facebook could pay $40 million to settle a lawsuit from advertisers over miscalculated video metrics. The legal battle began in 2016 after Facebook disclosed it had incorrectly calculated the average viewing time for video ads on its platform. For two years, the tech giant had only counted video views that lasted at least three seconds, ignoring those of shorter durations and artificially pushing the average length of a view higher.

USDA Invests $152 Million to Improve Broadband Service in 14 States

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it is investing $152 million in 20 projects to provide or improve rural broadband service in 14 states. “Deploying high-speed broadband internet connectivity, or ‘e-Connectivity,’ in rural America expands access to essential health, educational, social and business opportunities,” said Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Development Donald "DOJ" LaVoy said.

Domino’s Pizza was just dealt a Supreme Court blow that could reshape the ADA in the digital era

The Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from Domino’s Pizza after a federal appellate court ruled that a blind customer can sue the chain under the Americans with Disabilities Act after he couldn’t fully use its website through screen-reading software. Domino’s had asked the Supreme Court to rule that the ADA didn’t apply to websites and apps, arguing the 1990 law predated the modern internet and that there were no firm rules businesses could comply with to make their online assets accessible.

Mozilla v. FCC Reaction, or Net Neutrality Telenovela Gets Renewed For At Least Two More Seasons.

The short version is that we lost the big prize (getting the Order overturned, or “vacated” as we lawyers say), but won enough to force this back to the Federal Communications Commission for further proceedings (which may yet result in the “Restoring Internet Freedom Order” or RIFO being reversed and/or vacated) and open up new fronts in the states.


Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy 

McDonough School of Business

Georgetown University

Wed, 10/30/2019 - 14:30 to 17:00


9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Registration

10:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. Opening Keynote Remarks by Cristina Rodriguez, Vice President, Data Center Group, General Manager, Wireless Access Network Division, Intel