March 2020

FCC Policy Advisor Evan Swarztrauber Says Internet Holding Up to Demands for Broadband Connectivity Under Coronavirus

In term of impact on broadband connectivity, “Covid-19 doesn’t even compare to the Superbowl or series finale of Game of Thrones,” said Federal Communications Commission Advisor Evan Swarztrauber. In other words, we're in a "so far, so good" moment: The internet seems to be balancing increased bandwidth demand with supply. Swarzrauber, policy advisor to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, added that more extreme measures to manage internet connectivity are “not necessary at this time,” praising this outcome as “a testament to the strength of the U.S. broadband networks.”

With Our New ‘Work From Home’ Life, Could You Say The Internet Is A Luxury?

In our “new normal” world, one could argue that broadband is no longer a luxury, subject to the cartel-like whims of a single local provider. Instead, higher education should reframe the discussion of whether high speed internet should be treated as a utility. Could we find anyone today who wouldn’t agree the internet is essential to our daily lives?

Charter Expands Free 60-Day Spectrum Broadband Internet and WiFi Offer to Include Educators Who Are New Spectrum Subscribers

Charter announced it is expanding the eligibility for its 60-day free offer for Spectrum broadband Internet and Wi-Fi access to include educators (K-12 teachers and college/university professors) who do not already have a Spectrum account. During this unprecedented time, with the COVID-19 pandemic having forced schools, colleges and universities to close, it is more important than ever for students and educators to stay connected while they teach and learn. Educators, who live in a Spectrum market and do not currently have broadband, should contact Spectrum at 1-844-488-8395 to sign up.