March 2020

FCC Commissioner Rosenworcel on Universal Service Gift Rules Waiver: There's More the FCC Can Do

Today’s waiver of the E-Rate and Rural Health Care gift rules is a smart step to assist in coronavirus response. As a result, schools and hospitals will be able to receive enhanced services and equipment from their service provider without running afoul of the Federal Communications Commission’s gift rules. But let’s not confuse generosity for justice, because we need a national plan to ensure that everyone is connected during these unprecedented days.

Sen Menendez, Colleagues Warn Trump Administration, Google of Privacy Concerns in COVID-19 Screening Website

Sen Bob Menendez (D-NJ) led a group of colleagues in sending separate letters to the Trump Administration and the tech company Google raising concerns over privacy and cybersecurity vulnerabilities involving a third-party coronavirus (COVID-19) testing website announced recently by President Donald Trump and coronavirus response coordinator Dr.

Philadelphia schools forbid graded ‘remote instruction’ during shutdown for equity concerns

The School District of Philadelphia will not allow teachers to do “remote instruction” with students while schools are closed during the coronavirus outbreak. Because the district cannot ensure equal access to technology among students, it’s barring individual schools from providing graded virtual instruction. Superintendent William Hite said teachers cannot require students to do work remotely or grade them on that work.


Merit Network

Tue, 05/05/2020 - 17:00 to 18:00


Chris Mitchell, Director of Community Broadband Networks, Institute for Local Self-Reliance


Merit Network

Thu, 04/09/2020 - 17:00 to 18:00


Jonathan Sallet, Senior Fellow of the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society

COVID-19 shines light on 'digital divide' across the US

With the COVID-19 outbreak in full swing in the US, schools and businesses across the country are closing down, employees are being asked to rely on their broadband connections to work remotely and school-aged children are attending "school" remotely via the internet. But for large numbers of Americans, broadband connectivity simply isn't available