March 2020


Communications and Technology Subcommittee

House Commerce Committee

Tue, 03/10/2020 - 15:00

The Communications and Technology Subcommittee will consider:

H.R. 451, the “Don’t Break Up the T-Band Act,” was introduced by Reps. Eliot Engel (D-NY), Lee Zeldin (R-NY), Al Green (D-TX) and Peter King (R-NY).  The Don’t Break Up the T-Band Act would repeal the requirement on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to reallocate and auction the 470-512 MHz spectrum band, also known as the T-Band. 

States Look to Improve Upon Incomplete FCC Broadband Data

Limited federal data on broadband coverage has presented a hurdle for states as they try to do their part in erasing the digital divide in local communities. Despite the common observation that Form 477 data from the Federal Communications Commission doesn’t cut it, states have different approaches and different timelines when it comes to their cartographical solutions.  

How President Trump's attack on net neutrality created a legal mess for the entire internet

The Trump Federal Communications Commission’s overzealous efforts to remove broadband providers from any obligations to protect internet users defies what Congress clearly intended for these critical communications services. Our national goal of achieving universal broadband service faces several roadblocks without the FCC’s Title II authority. The agency will also have difficulty upholding public safety if we don’t restore this crucial legal standard. These harms are already playing out. Feb.

Broadband DATA Act: A Step Forward, but Doesn’t Go Far Enough to Solve FCC Data Problems

The House of Representatives passed a bipartisan bill, the Broadband DATA Act, aimed at improving the Federal Communications Commission’s data collection process for broadband mapping. Since the bill has already passed the Senate, but will return due to procedural reasons, we will likely see the Senate pass this bill soon and then send it to the President’s desk for a signature. The bill reflects bipartisan agreement that we need more accurate broadband maps, and Public Knowledge supports legislation to fix inaccurate mapping.

Rep Cicilline, Sen Klobuchar and Others Express Serious Concerns over Reports that DOJ Official Urged Dish Executive to Lobby Sens to Influence FCC Regulatory Process

House Antitrust Subcommittee Chairman David Cicilline (D-RI) and Senate Antitrust Subcommittee Ranking Member Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) sent a letter with members of their respective subcommittees, expressing serious concerns over the Justice Department’s handling of the proposed T-Mobile/Sprint merger.