April 2020


Senate Commerce Committee

Thu, 04/09/2020 - 15:00

The committee and witnesses will submit written statements, questions, and answers to examine recent uses of aggregate and anonymized consumer data to identify potential hotspots of coronavirus transmission and to help accelerate the development of treatments. The committee will also examine how consumers’ privacy rights are being protected and what the U.S. government plans to do with COVID-related data collected at the end of this national emergency.



Fiber Broadband Association

Wed, 04/08/2020 - 14:00 to 14:30


  • Gary Bolton, Vice President Global Marketing, ADTRAN
  • Ryan Keel, Vice President - Technical Operations, EPB
  • Jon Sallet, Benton Senior Fellow, Benton Institute for Broadband & Society



Wed, 04/08/2020 - 19:00 to 20:00

The coronavirus outbreak has exposed just how wide the digital divide is in the United States. With more than 50 million students at home, many school districts are struggling in their transition to remote learning. Telehealth services are being expanded to help protect front line health workers and avoid patient overloads at hospitals. Hundreds of thousands of workers are being asked to telecommute and conduct business digitally.

Coronavirus, closures highlight importance of internet access in Aiken County

As schools are mothballed, businesses close, colleges move wholly behind a computer screen and cocktail hours are increasingly held at a distance and on couches, the need for digital connectivity has seemingly never been greater. The coronavirus pandemic has upended societal norms, pushing countless workers, students and parents-turned-teachers online. The virus outbreak has put internet access at "the top of the list," said State Rep. Bill Taylor, "because broadband, having an internet connection, is now a critical need.