November 2021

Federal Agencies Need to Be Staffed to Advance Broadband and Tech Competition

In the US, we need better internet. We need oversight over Big Tech, ISPs, and other large companies. We need the federal agencies with the powers to advance competition, protect privacy, and empower consumers to be fully staffed and working. New infrastructure legislation aimed at ending the digital divide gives new responsibilities to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), and Congress relies on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to reign in Big Tech and others.

President Biden signs the $1.2 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

President Joe Biden signed into law the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act on November 15, 2021. Republicans and Democrats gathered at the White House as Biden signed the legislation, which is aimed at improving the country’s roads, bridges, pipes, ports and Internet connections.

Competitive Carriers Association seeks $11 billion from FCC for nationwide rural 5G

The Competitive Carriers Association (CCA) says more money needs to be allocated to ensure 5G makes its way into rural areas that likely wouldn’t get the new technology without support. Specifically, it has eyes on $11 billion more for the Federal Communications Commission’s 5G Fund. CCA released a new analysis that pegs the total initial cost of investment – from both private and federal funds – at $36 billion to reach ubiquitous nationwide 5G coverage in areas where carriers are unlikely to deploy without support.

T-Mobile announces it now covers 200 million people with 2.5 GHz 5G

T-Mobile announced it now covers 200 million people with Ultra Capacity 5G, the moniker for its 2.5 GHz coverage, which is six weeks ahead of schedule. It’s also farther ahead of its rivals than what was envisioned even a couple weeks ago.

Frontier prepares to pounce on broadband funding from infrastructure bill

Frontier Communications is gearing up to capitalize on broadband funding opportunities created by the passage of the US infrastructure bill and points to the federal dollars as a key part of its fiber expansion plan.