February 2022

When the News is Not the News

The internet has failed to nourish our news and information diet the way we hoped it would twenty years ago. The norm is major platforms poaching the news they distribute directly from newspaper and television newsrooms while failing to make any meaningful investments in journalism despite generating billions of dollars in advertising revenue that traditional media once depended upon. Solutions have been suggested; one option is vigorous anti-trust to break up monopolies.

Jockeying begins ahead of NTIA broadband gold rush

With the closure of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)’s public feedback period on how best to allocate an upcoming $48 billion in broadband infrastructure grants, here are some key comments Politico noticed:

How NTIA Can Use Historic Investments to Ensure Universal Broadband

On January 7, 2022, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) requested public comment on policy and program considerations associated with new broadband grant programs authorized and funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program, the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program, and the State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program.