March 2022

Big Gap in Valuations Puts Private Companies in Broadband Catbird Seat

There has always been a valuation gap between public cable and private communication operators that offer internet, cable and phone services. In this report, we attempt to quantify the valuation gap and the factors driving it, and why it’s important to rural operators. We also weigh in on where we think valuations are headed. Key findings include:

Will the upcoming 2.5 GHz auction raise big bucks?

The upcoming Auction 108 of 2.5 GHz spectrum is likely not going to raise a ton of money. But at least it will clean up the spectrum band, closing the many gaps where the spectrum is lying fallow and not being used at all. The auction will begin on July 29, 2022. While some auctions, such as the C-band auction held in 2021, aim to make billions of dollars to fill federal coffers, not all auctions are strictly focused on profit.

FCC Extends Prior COVID Lifeline Program Waivers to June 30, 2022

In response to the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, the Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau has waived certain Lifeline program rules in ten previous Orders to provide necessary relief for low-income households. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt by many Americans. The importance of access to affordable communications services for low-income consumers has been underscored by the pandemic and its long-lasting impact.

Commerce Deputy Secretary Graves and Sen Wicker Spotlight Broadband Infrastructure Investments in Mississippi

Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves joined Sen Roger Wicker (R-MS) in Jackson (MS) to announce the details of a $32.7 million broadband infrastructure grant coming to the state to help close the digital divide and expand access to high-speed internet. Deputy Secretary Graves and Sen Wicker shared that these grants, provided by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), will fund 10 projects across rural Mississippi that will serve 12,487 underserved households, 256 businesses, and 26 anchor institutions that include schools and libraries.

FCC Expands Covered List of Equipment and Services That Pose Security Threat

The Federal Communications Commission’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau added equipment and services from three entities – AO Kaspersky Lab, China Telecom (Americas) Corp, and China Mobile International USA Inc. – to its list of communications equipment and services that have been deemed a threat to national security, consistent with requirements in the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019.