March 2022

AT&T, Verizon, Ziply plot copper retirement work across a dozen states

AT&T has filed to undertake copper retirement projects in at least eight states in 2022 as it ramps a plan to reduce its legacy DSL footprint by 50 percent over the coming years. Verizon, which has been working to retire its copper network for a while now, and Ziply Fiber are seeking to sunset copper assets in four additional states.

Comments Filed on the Future of the Universal Service Fund

The Federal Communications Commission asks a series of questions about the current set of programs supported though the Universal Service Fund, particularly in light of the broadband initiatives funded through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Commenters have focused heavily on how to fund universal service programs given the problems with the current contribution mechanism and ways to modify existing support programs. We have reviewed these comments and respectfully submit reply comments.

National Broadband Growth is Slowing

Leichtman Research Group recently released the broadband customer statistics for the end of the fourth quarter of 2021. The numbers show that broadband growth has slowed significantly for the sixteen largest broadband providers tracked by the company. LRG compiles these statistics from customer counts provided to stockholders, except for Cox which is privately owned. Net customer additions sank each quarter during 2021. The first quarter of 2021 saw over 1 million net new broadband customers.