March 2022


Office of Equity

Washington State Department of Commerce

Wed, 03/30/2022 - 12:00 to 13:30

The Washington State Office of Equity and the Washington State Broadband Office are partnering to convene and co-chair a Digital Equity Forum. The forum will include representation by:


Office of Equity

Washington State Department of Commerce

Tue, 03/29/2022 - 17:00
Tue, 03/29/2022 - 18:30

The Washington State Office of Equity and the Washington State Broadband Office are partnering to convene and co-chair a Digital Equity Forum. The forum will include representation by:


Fiber Broadband Association

Wed, 03/16/2022 - 10:00


Douglas C. Sicker, Ph.D., Executive Director & Chair of the Technical Working Group, BITAG

Panelist: Greg White, Distinguished Technologist, CableLabs

Moderator: Gary Bolton, President & CEO, Fiber Broadband Association

Can Russia build its own ‘Great Firewall’?

As the Kremlin moves to block or throttle more foreign websites and Russian citizens rush to deploy workarounds such as virtual private networks, concern is growing that Moscow plans to recreate Beijing’s tough restrictions — known collectively as the “Great Firewall” — that shield Chinese citizens from much of the broader internet. But Russia likely possesses neither the infrastructure nor the technical capabilities to mirror China’s relative success in walling off its citizens from the web.

Tech's globalist dream is dying

The tech world order that came together in the '90s at the Cold War's end is falling apart as a new rift between Russia and the West opens and a great retrenchment begins. The breakup of the USSR in the early '90s opened an era in which internet use rapidly spread around the globe and US tech companies viewed the entire planet as both factory floor and market. Working from that assumption helped a handful of companies grow to previously inconceivable size, wealth and power.