May 2022

ACA Connects President & CEO Matthew Polka to Step Down

ACA Connects Chairman Patricia Jo Boyers, Vice Chair Mike Bowker and President and CEO Matthew Polka announced their plan initiated by Polka to make a leadership change in July 2022. The collective’s goal is to prepare and position the organization for success amid rapid technology developments and expansive legislative and policy challenges. “I have been blessed every day to lead ACA Connects, but after 25 years I believe it is time to pass on the privilege of leadership for the healthy growth and future success of the organization,” Polka said.

Charter Updates Progress on Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Work

Charter Communications updated investors during its first quarter 2022 earnings call and offered some insight on the impact of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) program on the operator. Charter was the largest RDOF auction winner,  measured by the number of locations. The cable company won $1.22 billion to bring service to over one million locations in 24 states.

Lumen anchors utility lease model for Springfield, Missouri's fiber rollout

Municipal-owned City Utilities of Springfield (MO) is more than halfway done with the construction of a more than 1,000-mile fiber network that will cover the entire city, with work expected to wrap in late 2022 around eight to nine months ahead of schedule. Lumen Technologies, which is pursuing a rapid expansion of its residential fiber footprint, is set to serve as an anchor tenant on the network and will deliver symmetric gigabit internet to Springfield’s 180,000 residents and businesses.

Estimating Broadband Customers

There has been a huge shift in broadband subscriptions from early in the pandemic until the end of 2021. Increasingly, customers are signing up for faster broadband speed tiers. It’s obvious that a lot of people have upgraded their broadband subscription during the eighteen months. I’ve heard a lot of anecdotal evidence to support this from my internet service provider (ISP) clients. My consulting firm does a lot of surveys and interviews, and we’ve been seeing this shift everywhere.

The Declaration for the Future of the Internet Is an Invitation for the EU to Dictate Global Policy

The Biden Administration’s newly launched Declaration for the Future of the Internet is too ambitious. There is no need to focus on what are mostly domestic Internet policy issues, where nations are likely to have differing approaches. This includes data privacy—an issue that is best dealt with the national government level, lest the stronger regulator (the European Union) succeed in imposing its innovation-limiting privacy regime on the rest of the free world.

Engaging State-Level Offices

Previously, US Ignite provided an overview of funding opportunities and highlighted a sample of current state projects. Here we explain the role of state broadband offices, where to find them, and how to initiate a successful partnership. Here are four suggestions we think will guide you in engaging your state broadband officials: