July 2022

Rural Health Care Program Funding Year 2022 Demand Can Be Fully Satisfied with Unused Funds

In June 2018, the Federal Communications Commission adopted rules to address increasing demand in the Rural Health Care (RHC) Program. Specifically, the FCC: (1) increased the annual RHC Program funding cap; (2) provided for the annual RHC Program funding cap to be adjusted for inflation; and (3) established a process to carry-forward unused funds from past funding years for use in future funding years. The FCC also directed its Wireline Competition Bureau to announce a specific amount of unused funds from prior funding years to be carried forward to increase available funding for future fu

Verizon reports low fiber gains in second quarter 2022 results

Verizon reported its second quarter 2022 results on July 22. Total revenue for the company was $33.8 billion, relatively flat from second-quarter 2021. Its net income was $5.3 billion, a decrease of 10.7 percent from second-quarter 2021. Total broadband net additions reached 268,000, including 256,000 fixed wireless net additions. This was an increase of 39,000 from first-quarter 2022, and fixed wireless net additions increased 62,000 from first-quarter 2022. Verizon had 36,000 Fios Internet net additions.

GAO Finds National Strategy and Coordination Framework is Needed to Increase Tribal Broadband Access

Broadband is critical to modern life. Despite federal efforts, broadband access on Tribal lands has traditionally lagged behind the rest of the country. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) was asked to review federal efforts for improving broadband on Tribal lands.

FCC Proposes Fines of $4.3 Million Against 73 Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Applicants for Defaults

The Federal Communications Commission proposed $4,353,773.87 in fines against 73 applicants in the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund auction (Auction 904) for apparently violating FCC requirements by defaulting on their bids between July 26, 2021 and March 10, 2022. The FCC provided clear guidance in its rules and notices on the monetary forfeitures associated with defaults in Auction 904. The bid defaults prevented 1,702 census block groups with 129,909 estimated locations in 36 states from seeing timely new investments in broadband infrastructure.