December 2022

Broadband Leaders Gather

When Jase Wilson with Broadband Money reached out to share that he was convening a gathering of broadband leaders in Florida to have some off-the-record conversations about funding, state activity, challenges, and opportunities and asked me to be around the table, it was hard to say no. From state broadband office leaders to community leaders to a few policymakers and interested parties, the conversations were fast-paced and ran the gamut from technology to deployment to sustainability of networks to the role that anchor institutions play in the mix. We also all committed to Chatham House r

New FCC Data Confirms Cable Gigabit Speeds Are Deployed Equitably

Before the US can accomplish the important task of connecting all Americans, it is important to understand where broadband already exists in both rural and urban areas. Having accurate data about existing broadband networks will enable billions of federal and state funding and other resources to be dedicated where they are needed most (communities without service). The newly released Federal Communications Commission Broadband Map is just the first iteration and needs to be further refined through the challenge process.

FCC Takes Next Steps to Combat Digital Discrimination

The Federal Communications Commission is seeking comment on next steps to promote and facilitate equal access to broadband internet service for everyone, with the goal of creating a framework for combatting digital discrimination that has caused harm to historically excluded and marginalized communities. Specifically, the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeks comment on:

The Case for Modern Net Neutrality Legislation

Broadband companies have long practiced net neutrality and do not block, throttle, or unfairly prioritize content. We support legislation that codifies into law open internet protections across consumers’ online experience. Only modern net neutrality rules can deliver the full protections all consumers deserve. This requires modern rules that apply not only to broadband, but also to online commerce, search, social media and other areas where significant real-world neutrality concerns have emerged. Such key points include the following:

A dangerous side of America’s digital divide: Who receives emergency alerts

While America’s digital divide has been improving, large chunks of the country, especially rural and tribal lands, are still lagging behind in connection, according to research and experts, and that significantly hampers their access to vital, potentially lifesaving information. Without cell towers, urgent emergency alerts can’t get to phones and it is more difficult for residents to warn one another of danger or contact authorities. It’s a tough sell to get private companies to spend the time and money to build towers in rural areas, according to reports and experts.

State office may not challenge broadband maps, risking hundreds of millions of federal funds for Texas

Billions of dollars are up for grabs to expand broadband availability across the country. But the Federal Communication Commission maps that will determine where the money goes are inaccurate, according to the Texas comptroller, because internet service providers inflated their coverage areas. The Texas office charged with challenging and improving those maps at the state level says it can’t.

Congress kicks the can on wireless, telecommunications issues as 2022 ends

Congress is again kicking the can down the road on several issues important to the US telecommunications industry. A 4,155-page omnibus spending package bill that Congress unveiled is expected to pass in order to keep the government operating. But Congress punted on a long-term extension of the Federal Communications Commission’s auction authority, covering the shortfall for rip and replace funding, and consideration of more mid-band spectrum for wireless use. One tiny blurb of the bill was devoted to the FCC’s