February 2023


National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Wed, 03/01/2023 - 15:00

In February 2022, NTIA announced several Broadband Infrastructure Program (BIP) awards - the first of many Internet For All grants to be awarded throughout the next 12 months. Join NTIA leadership and BIP program staff for our BIP 1-year anniversary celebration to recognize the work of the fourteen grantees and highlight program milestones.

Recap: Sohn Nomination Hearing III

Gigi Sohn, President Joe Biden's long-stalled nominee to the Federal Communications Commission fired back at her critics at a Senate Commerce Committee nomination hearing, saying that the telecommunications industry shouldn't be allowed to choose its own regulators. "Unfortunately, that is the exact intent of the past 15 months of false and misleading attacks on my record and my character," she testified. "My industry opponents have hidden behind dark money groups and surrogates because they fe

Chairwoman Seeks Information on Multilingual Wireless Emergency Alerts

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel sent letters to the nation’s 9 largest providers of Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) seeking information on how these alerts can start to support more languages beyond English and Spanish. WEA messages provide geographically targeted, text-like messages to mobile devices alerting consumers of imminent threats to safety in their area. Since the program became operational in 2012, it has been used more than 70,000 times to warn the public about dangerous weather, missing children, or other critical situations.

FCC hires communications firm to conduct ACP 'consumer education plan'

The Federal Communications Commission is contracting communications firm Porter Novelli Public Services (PNPS) to carry out a "consumer education plan" in order to broaden public awareness of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The FCC detailed its plans to work with PNPS in a contract opportunity posted on Sam.gov, with an award date of February 1, 2023.