April 2023

Frontier says its fiber-to-the-tower business is booming

Frontier Communications inked a high-profile fiber-to-the-tower (FTTT) deal with AT&T in February 2023, but it’s not the only wireless carrier buying up Frontier’s fiber wares.

How States Ensure Broadband Funds Go Where They’re Most Needed

We sent a memo to state broadband offices that are participating in our broadband education and training initiative, detailing the diverse strategies that California, Iowa, Michigan, and North Carolina have employed to direct grant funding to priority areas—communities that have a substantial unmet need for investment in broadband infrastructure. Several state broadband programs have utilized mechanisms to designate specific communities as “priority areas” within the project areas eligible for grants, allowing them to target or further incentivize grant funding to those communities.

Streaming is recreating TV, rather than replacing it

More than a decade after Netflix blew up television's model with "House of Cards," streaming services more closely resemble the business they disrupted. This matters because streaming rose to prominence by providing a refuge from all the things consumers hated about the cable TV bundle.

State Governments Continue to Add Digital Equity Staff

A  wave of states has recently created new full-time positions to work on digital inclusion and digital equity.