April 2023

Maine’s rural landscape is a catalyst for broadband deployment

Maine isn’t nearly as far removed as say, Alaska, but it still must cope with broadband challenges stemming from its remote location. Andrew Butcher, president of the Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA), named two key hurdles to broadband access in Maine: the sheer rurality of the state and, on a related note, community capacity to drive demand. “There’s a significant amount of space and not enough humans,” Butcher said. “We have the highest concentration of rural population in the country, meaning that the majority of people in the state live in very rural areas.” The state consists of many

States Seek to Fund Broadband Upgrades in Affordable Rental Housing

Getting access to broadband services remains a challenge for many residents of affordable rental housing. Though these properties are often in areas that have high-speed internet service, physical access and cost may keep households offline. Recognizing these challenges, several states have directed funding toward programs focused on expanding broadband access in affordable rental housing. Pandemic relief funds are another tool states are using to improve broadband access in low-income neighborhoods and affordable rental housing. Several states have also allocated a portion of their 


Broadband Communities

Mon, 05/01/2023 - 12:00 to Thu, 05/04/2023 - 13:30