January 2024

WISPA underwrites tool for state broadband offices to calculate high-cost thresholds

The Wireless Internet Service Providers Association (WISPA) has been telling everyone for a couple of years that some unserved locations in the US will be too expensive to reach with fiber broadband, and trying to cover these locations with fiber will waste BEAD money. And now, WISPA has underwritten an analysis tool to help state broadband offices set their extremely-high-cost thresholds. WISPA has underwritten the new Broadband Funding Optimization Tool, which was created by the Vernonburg Group.

Fiber Deployment Annual Report

The Fiber Broadband Association partnered with Cartesian to research the cost of fiber deployment and provide insight on how costs are evolving over time. While no two deployment projects are alike, we found many common themes:

Affordable Connectivity Program: Closing the Digital Divide

As organizations committed to positive change and public policy that advances opportunity, equity, and progress for all Americans, we urge you to prioritize funding to extend the landmark Affordable Connectivity Program in any new spending package or legislation. ACP is a true bipartisan success story – growing out of initiatives supported by the current and prior Administrations and the broad, national consensus in support of universal access to affordable broadband.

Remarks by President Biden on Investing in America and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

I’m here today to talk about something that doesn’t get enough attention: the progress we’re making to invest in America — in American workers, in American products — to invest in America.  That’s what we’re doing: bringing work, opportunity, and hope to people and communities all across this country.....We’re making sure every American ...

$120 Million Undersea Cable Project will Expand High-Speed Internet for Hawaii

The University of Hawaiʻi (UH) and Ocean Networks, Inc. (ONI) announce a $120 million, public-private partnership to construct a submarine optical fiber cable system that will connect the Hawaiian Islands and improve and expand high-speed broadband internet throughout the state. The project, the Hawaiian Islands Fiber Link (HIFL), is a key component of Connect Kākou, the state's broadband initiative, a top priority of the Governor Josh Green administration. Under the direction of Lt.