July 2024

From Thiel-ism to Trumpism

The politics of JD Vance, Donald Trump’s new running mate, might require a lot of explanation if you’re still accustomed to the traditional Democratic/Republican divide — a Yale-educated former venture capitalist and economic nationalist with ties to Catholic integralists and an 

Tech leaders line up behind Trump

A significant chunk of the tech industry's money and power is lining up behind Donald Trump. Silicon Valley was once solidly Democratic, with just a handful of Republican outliers.

Texas Broadband Fund Prepares to Award $730 Million for Rural Networks

The state of Texas has begun accepting applications for nearly $730 million in broadband funding. Applications are due by August 26, 2024. Applicants can request funding for any of 24 counties. Funding targets the two neediest counties in each of the state’s 12 economic regions.

Where is fiber broadband on the hype cycle?

There’s a huge amount of energy in the fiber broadband ecosystem right now driven largely by the Broadband Equity, Access & Deployment (BEAD) program. But as someone who’s covered telecommunications for three decades, I suspect that we’re nearing the peak of the hype cycle for broadband.


Federal Communications Commission

Tue, 07/23/2024 - 14:00

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), along with the U.S. Department of Education, will host a virtual webinar to provide additional information about the Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program (Pilot Program), as well as information on other federal cybersecurity resources available to schools and libraries.


Vermont Community Broadband Board

Fri, 07/19/2024 - 08:00 to 16:30

The session will help prospective BEAD applicants understand the program’s workforce requirements and prepare them for the upcoming application process. ISPs will compete with bids for part of the $229 million of federal funding to bring universal broadband service to Vermont. 

Impact of the Discontinuation of the Affordable Connectivity Program

In a meeting with officials at the Federal Communications Commission, Recon Analytics shared results of a survey of 4,000 consumer mobile and 4,000 home internet consumers.

Broadband Deployment: Who’s the Cop on the Beat?

Many people have criticized the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for its execution of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) program, which awarded $6 billion in funding to bring broadband to 3.5 million locations across the country.