September 2024


Broadband on the Ballot in North Carolina

Benton Institute for Broadband & Society

Monday, September 30, 2024

FCC Adopts Rules to Improve Access to Video Conferencing Services

The Federal Communications Commission adopted new rules to ensure that people with disabilities can fully participate in video conferencing, including by paving the way for the use of telecommunications relay services (TRS). Building on the FCC’s 2023 Order making clear that video conferencing services must be accessible to people with disabilities under our rules, the FCC voted to enhance the accessibility standards for these online tools.

Analysis of Internet development and internal digital divide by using the “.it” domain names as an indicator

Information Technology is important in daily life, especially was in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research moves in this direction, studying the evolution of the Internet use in Italy. In order to analyse the diffusion of the Internet and internal digital divide, the number of “.it “domain names were used as an indicator.

Cell service is still out in Western North Carolina

The effects of Hurricane Helene are still impacting the southeastern U.S., with widespread cell service outages in Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, days after the Category 4 storm made landfall in Florida's Big Bend region.