Alvaro Sanchez
Broadband Subscription, Computer Access, and Labor Market Attachment Across US Metros
This report on the connection between access to broadband and labor force participation across all US metro areas finds that:
Broadband Access, Computer Use, and Labor Market Attachment in Philadelphia
In this research brief, we use labor force participation and unemployment rates from 2014 to 2018 as indicators for labor market attachment, and we find disparities along these indicators based on patterns of broadband access and computer use. By analyzing patterns of broadband access, computer use, and disparities in labor market outcomes, we find that:
Toward Digital Inclusion: Broadband Access in the Third Federal Reserve District
This report provides an overview of the digital divide in the Third Federal Reserve District, with a focus on determining which groups stand to benefit the most from a concerted effort toward digital inclusion. The report describes patterns of broadband availability and adoption for the Third District (eastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and Delaware) as a whole, followed by a regional comparison of digital access using a typology of broadband.