FCC Chairman Ajit Pai

Chairman Pai Statement On Commissioner Clyburn's Announcement

I congratulate Commissioner Clyburn on her distinguished tenure at the FCC. She has been a tremendous leader and a committed public servant throughout her time here. As the first woman to head the agency, she led skillfully through a transition and put her stamp on the Commission, including through her steadfast leadership in telehealth, media diversity, and digital inclusion. I have enjoyed working with her and, even when we have not seen eye-toeye on policy, I have always held her candor and thoughtfulness in the highest regard. She’s been a wonderful colleague and friend.

Chairman Pai Speech at National Association of Broadcasters

[Speech] You either believe broadcasters should be allowed to innovate, or you don’t. And we do. So last November, the Federal Communications Commission adopted rules authorizing the Next Gen TV transmission standard. By allowing use of this standard on a voluntary, market-driven basis, we’ve opened the door to a substantially improved, free, over-the-air television broadcast service and fiercer competition in the video marketplace.

No Spring Break for the FCC

Building on our progress last week modernizing our wireless infrastructure rules so that they are 5G ready, the Federal Communications Commission in April will continue to move full steam ahead in making spectrum available for next-generation 5G networks. At our April meeting, the Commission will vote on a public notice seeking input on auction procedures for the 28 GHz and 24 GHz bands. And under the draft that I have presented my colleagues, the 28 GHz auction would commence on November 14.

Chairman Pai Response to Rep. Tonko Regarding the Digital Divide

On Nov 9, Rep Paul Tonko (D-NY) wrote to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai expressing concern that, "the FCC is failing to bridge the digital divide because of faulty broadband data and inappropriately low baseline standards for rural service." 

Chairman Pai Statement on Proposal to Help Protect Security of U.S. Communications Networks And Their Supply Chains

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai shared with his fellow Commissioners a proposal to help address national security threats to US communications networks and their supply chains. Specifically, the draft Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, if adopted, would propose to bar the use of money from the FCC’s Universal Service Fund to purchase equipment or services from companies that pose a national security threat to United States communications networks or the communications supply chain. Chairman Pai will call for a vote on this proposal at the Commission’s April 17 meeting.

Chairman Pai Remarks at the American Cable Association Annual Summit

I think it’s worth looking back to 1993 to appreciate how remarkable it is that American Cable Association has, in fact, stood the test of time. Back then, you were in the video delivery business. The technology that looked like the biggest disrupter from your perspective was the introduction of new satellite TV services. But we now know that the public introduction of the World Wide Web in 1993 would prove to be the biggest game-changer.The key for ACA was (and is) that your members have embraced this change. But that wasn’t a given.

In the Aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, Resilience and Challenges in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands

Nearly six months have passed since Hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In the immediate aftermath of the storms, communications networks were virtually wiped out. More than 95% of cell sites were out in Puerto Rico and 77% of cell sites were out in the Virgin Islands. Progress is no doubt being made, with 4.4% and 13.8% of cell sites now out in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, respectively. But there's still much work to do, as too many still lack connectivity and basic infrastructure.

Chairman Pai Remarks at Satellite Industry Association Dinner

I want to thank the satellite industry for your contributions to our economy and quality of life, which sometimes go underappreciated. I want to express my appreciation for all that you do when disaster strikes. We now stand at a moment of tremendous promise for your industry—and ultimately for
American consumers, who stand to benefit from your efforts. I want the FCC to help you, and with you the public, seize the opportunities that are in front of you. My top priority as Chairman of the FCC is closing the digital divide. I’ve often said that in order

Winning the Wireless Future

[Press release] I want the United States to win the 5G race. I outlined the Federal Communications Commission’s strategy for 5G leadership and delivering next-generation wireless connectivity to American consumers using a three-part approach: forward-thinking spectrum policy, modernized rules for infrastructure deployment, and light-touch network regulation.Today, I’m unveiling a lineup for the FCC’s March 22 open meeting that builds on this momentum.

FCC Announces Tentative Agenda for March 2018 Open Meeting

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced that the following items are tentatively on the agenda for the March Open Commission Meeting scheduled for Thursday March 22, 2018: