Francella Ochillo

Lifeline program and pole attachment rights are inextricably linked to FCC’s Title II authority

The Lifeline program and pole attachment rights are inextricably linked to the Federal Communications Commission’s Title II authority. The FCC's decision to reclassify broadband internet access service (BIAS) as an “information service” removes BIAS-only providers from the statutory scheme that governs pole attachments. If a portion of those who would provide broadband-only services are unable to attach, that will limit the FCC’s ability to promote broadband build-out.

Universal connectivity is still the goal. We need to keep working on long-term solutions.

Coronavirus has caused a seismic shift in everything about life as we know it. Schools, businesses, and non-essential entities are closed indefinitely. As fear and economic uncertainty escalate, so does the need for information. Students have been forced into remote learning programs regardless of whether they are equipped. Before COVID-19, many did not have the requisite tools to complete assignments at home. Now, some of those students, who were already at a disadvantage, will spend the remainder of the school year using smartphones to comply with remote learning mandates.

Broadband for America’s Future: A Vision for the 2020s Gives A Comprehensive Overview of a Problem That We Can Solve

At a time when millions of Americans still do not have access to broadband of any kind, Next Century Cities is a resource for local leaders who are searching for connectivity solutions. Lifting up the voices of local broadband advocates, our work helps to ensure that lawmakers and policymakers understand what is at stake for our member communities, especially those that are still struggling to provide reliable, affordable broadband access for their residents.

Limited broadband access hurts economic mobility in poorest states

Among the states that have fallen furthest behind on broadband access, a new Census Bureau report found that several also have some of the highest levels of poverty in the nation. Inequality and the lack of broadband access have become inherently intertwined in the US Without reliable high-speed internet access, it is more difficult to apply to the jobs and educational programs that can help people escape poverty.