FTC Commissioner Terrel McSweeny
Let’s not stack the deck against consumers and innovators by rolling back the Open Internet Order
[Commentary] Ensuring that the internet remains a fountain of innovation and disruption is at the heart of open internet policy. The elimination of clear rules protecting a free and open internet would put us in uncharted territory and would create uncertainty for Internet service providers, edge providers and consumers alike. In many ways, what the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission have accomplished these past eight years aligns with the promises of the next administration — standing up for the little guy, unleashing the power of the entrepreneur, and making sure that America continues to be the most dynamic economy in the world.
Let’s not stack the deck against consumers and innovators, or undermine the technological revolution at our fingertips. Let us instead focus on preserving a free and open internet and privacy protections to the benefit of all consumers.
[Terrell McSweeny is a commissioner at the Federal Trade Commission. Mignon Clyburn is a commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission.]