Jeff Baumgartner

Cable is becoming Starlink's new best friend

Starlink poses a potential threat to cable in largely rural areas, but it also turns out that Elon Musk's satellite broadband service is emerging as a partner for cable operators that are seeking new ways to keep their business customers connected.

Trump's VP pick might champion broadband affordability policies

J.D. Vance, the Ohio GOP senator announced as Donald Trump's running mate for the presidency, isn't expected to have a broad impact on US telecommunications policies. But he could have something to say about how the country helps consumers afford access to critical broadband services.

In Europe, fiber's the future, but HFC has a long life ahead

Much as it is in North America, Europe's wireline future is tied to fiber. However, widely deployed hybrid fiber/coax (HFC) networks will continue to live on and support customers for years to come. Fiber is clearly the fastest-growing access technology in Europe.

NTCA's Shirley Bloomfield on the challenges posed by BEAD

In the world of rural broadband, all eyes are on the $42.5 billion Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program as individual states continue to assemble their plans. NTCA—The Rural Broadband Association CEO Shirley Bloomfield believes that BEAD has interesting potential for her members, while acknowledging that there are some wrinkles that need to be ironed out.

Broadband Forum CEO: ISPs are paving a path to 'Connectivity+'

Amid slowing broadband subscriber growth, service providers are exploring ways to drive up overall revenues alongside average revenues per user with new services and applications. Some operators are pursuing that with premium whole-home Wi-Fi offerings, low-latency gaming tiers and home security or bundling in streaming services that take advantage of the high data speeds. Support of such strategies and initiatives is of growing importance at the Broadband Forum, an organization that works with standards that support the end-to-end broadband ecosystem.

US broadband subscriber pace slows across the board

The pace of US broadband subscriber growth slowed considerably in the first quarter of 2024 as fiber, fixed wireless access (FWA) and cable broadband service providers collectively turned in results that were worse than what they posted in the year-ago period. Total industry net additions, including or excluding FWA and geosynchronous (GEO) satellite broadband providers, decelerated noticeably in Q1 2024.

ACA Connects asks FCC to pump the brakes on plan to ban 'bulk billing' in MDUs

Officials with ACA Connects and EducationSuperHighway spelled out a series of concerns they have about a proposal from FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel that aims to ban "bulk billing" for broadband in apartments, condos and other types of multiple-dwelling units (MDUs). Bulk billing agreements typically enable MDUs to negotiate discounted rates for broadband services

Analyst says return of net neutrality rules unlikely to spark big changes at ISPs

Ahead of the confirmation from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that the agency plans to vote to restore network neutrality on April 25, a top policy analyst weighed in to say that he doesn't expect a return of the rules to alter the way that broadband service providers operate. Like its 2015 predecessor, this version of the rules will again attempt to reclassify broadband as a more heavily-regulated "Title II" commu

Blair Levin: BEAD dollars to flow in later than expected

The Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program is poised to "provide a material stimulus" to broadband service operators with respect to government-subsidized footprint expansion, but the "dollars will flow later than originally expected," a top policy analyst predicts. It's unlikely that a "significant number" of BEAD-funded networks will become operational in 2025, New Street Research's Blair Levin explained in a 

Rural FWA operators start to 'edge-in'

For rural operators, fixed wireless access (FWA) technologies have served well to "edge-out" and deliver services to areas that can't be reached by cable and fiber networks cost-effectively.