Joe Wassel
Update on February 22 Network Outage
On February 22, 2024, our network partner, AT&T, experienced a broad outage that impacted public safety users of FirstNet. Based on initial reviews, the network outage occurred in the early hours of the morning on Thursday. The FirstNet network was restored by around 5:00 a.m. CST — about 3 hours since service was initially affected for some FirstNet subscribers across the country. AT&T says the outage was due to the application and execution of an incorrect process used while expanding its network; AT&T stated it was not the result of a cyberattack.
Three keys to success for FirstNet 3.0
Now that we have moved beyond the initial planning (1.0) and network buildout (2.0) phases of FirstNet, we are laser focused on extending and evolving the network (3.0). Here are three keys to success in FirstNet 3.0:
FirstNet: Initial Buildout of Public Safety’s Network Verified, Delivering for America’s First Responders
“The initial build of the FirstNet network was done on time, on budget and on task.” With those words, the First Responder Network Authority Board Chair Chief Richard Carrizzo confirmed and validated the successful completion of the initial 5-year buildout of FirstNet, America’s public safety broadband network. The journey to this moment has been remarkable—it started with the development of custom FirstNet state plans for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the 5 US territories. Through our public-private partnership, and close collaboration with the public safety community across