Molly Hunter
Nebraska Public Service Commission denies funding for public-private broadband partnership
The Nebraska Public Service Commission denied funding for an innovative public-private partnership to expand broadband infrastructure. The implications of that decision for other entities considering similar partnerships -- such as Platte County (NE) and Loup -- remain unclear. The Nebraska Broadband Bridge Act set up a fund of $40 million to be awarded to broadband infrastructure projects in Nebraska by the public service commission. The $40 million will be distributed in two grant cycles, one in 2021 and the other in 2022. There was $20 million up for grabs in the 2021 cycle.
Quality rural broadband in the works in Platte County, Nebraska
Platte County and Loup Power District have joined a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for broadband infrastructure development, investigating a public-private partnership to bring higher quality broadband to the rural area. The partnership is the brainchild of Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) Special Assistant to the Vice President of Corporate Strategy and Innovation Pat Pope. Since retiring from his longtime position as the president and CEO of NPPD in February 2020, Pope has been working on rural broadband development.