Rep Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)

House Commerce Committee Minority Leaders on White House Meeting

While closing the digital divide should be a bipartisan goal, House Commerce Republicans are concerned that the Biden Administration’s proposals will waste taxpayer money without expanding broadband to unserved Americans. Instead of working to increase access to broadband for all Americans, they are prioritizing inefficient—and often poorly managed—government-run networks, providing subsidies in the absence of accurate broadband mapping data, and establishing duplicative Federal programs.

House Commerce GOP Leaders Call for an FCC Oversight Hearing to Assess New FCC Programs and Commitment to Free Speech

House Commerce Committee Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Communications Subcommittee Ranking Member Bob Latta (R-OH) urged Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ) to schedule an oversight hearing to review the Federal Communication Commission’s implementation plans regarding key connectivity programs and their commitment to free speech.

House Commerce Committee Republicans Caution FCC Chair Rosenworcel on Rolling Back Internet Service Protections for Americans

House Commerce Committee Republicans, led by Committee Republican Leader Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Republican Leader Bob Latta, sent a letter urging Acting Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Rosenworcel not to impose stringent net neutrality regulations, which could result in Americans losing their internet offerings. Almost immediately after California enforced its new net neutrality law, two Internet providers reportedly told the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that the law could force them to end arrangements with US wireless carr

Congressional Republicans Urge FCC to Quickly Produce Accurate Broadband Maps

In a letter to Federal Communications Commission Acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel, the minority leadership from the House and Senate Commerce Committees asked about the FCC's status on completing its mapping process to ensure accurate broadband data collection. [Congress just allocated the funds the FCC needs to do the mapping in December 2020.] "[W]e are concerned that delays in completing these maps could lead to further delays in distributing critical broadband funds," the Members of Congress write. "You have repeatedly stated that the FCC could quickly produce new broadband maps.

Reps Rodgers and Latta Urge NTIA to Prioritize Unserved and Rural Areas for Broadband Deployment 

House Commerce Committee Minority Leader Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Minority Leader Bob Latta (R-OH) sent a letter urging the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to prioritize unserved and rural areas for broadband deployment. As NTIA prepares to announce the requirements and allowed uses of grant funding to implement this program consistent with the law, they want to underscore two related aspects of program administration that are crucial to ensure that infrastructure funding is targeted effectively to the com

Reps Walden, Rodgers Question Apple, Google App Store Vetting Practices

Commerce CommitteeRanking Member Greg Walden (R-OR) and Consumer Protection and Commerce Subcommittee Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) wrote to Apple CEO Tim Cook and Google CEO Sundar Pichai asking several questions related to the companies’ app stores and processes undertaken to vet applications, particularly for foreign sourcing and potential ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

Rep McMorris Rodgers Hosts FCC Chairman Pai for Broadband Meeting

Rep Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) hosted Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai as they joined Eastern Washington’s Broadband Action Team meeting. After the event, Rep McMorris Rodgers said, “Everywhere I go in Eastern Washington, one of the top concerns I hear about is the need for rural broadband.

House Commerce Committee Republican Leaders Comment on Ligado

In today’s interconnected world, making spectrum available for the private sector to deploy and advance new technologies will not only benefit American consumers, but will also allow our nation to continue to lead on the global stage in 5G and Internet of Things. After hearing from many stakeholders, the FCC made its decision to grant Ligado’s application. This application has been tested, reviewed, revised, and tested again.

A ‘build-once’ policy for the developing world

[Commentary] One of the major roadblocks to the Liberian Ebola response efforts was the lack of reliable internet access across the country, as community health centers struggled to coordinate efforts. One of the most economical and efficient ways to increase access is to prioritize a “build-once” policy in the developing world. If a United States development project supports the construction of a rural road in a developing country, or updating preexisting infrastructure, let’s invite the private sector to lay down cable before we pour the concrete.

This is a proactive, efficient approach we are calling for through the bipartisan Digital Global Access Policy Act — a.k.a. the Digital GAP Act — passed by the US House of Representatives. The Digital GAP Act would increase internet access with a relatively minor communications change. It would require U.S.-supported infrastructure projects to be made more transparent, so that the private sector can coordinate their investments in internet infrastructure. The Digital GAP Act stretches American aid further and has the potential for a long-lasting impact by narrowing the digital divide that holds so many people back.