Robbie McBeath

Reactions to Chairman Pai Announcing His Intention to Depart FCC

Andrew Jay Schwartzman, senior counselor at the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society: “The Pai agenda, in essence, has been to limit regulatory intrusions into the activities of companies subject to the regulatory authority of the FCC, particularly if they are large incumbent [telecom] companies.” He said the consequences of Pai’s reign have been vast for average American Internet users, leaving “fewer people who have access to broadband, fewer people who have access to diverse points of view over the air, and more people paying more for cable, wireless and wired In

Reactions to FCC Net Neutrality Remand Order

On Oct 27, the Federal Communications Commission voted to approve an Order on Remand that would reaffirm the agency’s 2017 net neutrality repeal. The vote is a response to a 2019 remand by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in Mozilla v. FCC ordering the agency to address how its net neutrality repeal could harm public safety, pole attachments, and even the Lifeline program. 

Reactions to Chairman Pai's Announcement on Section 230

On Oct 15, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced that he will move forward with clarifying the meaning of Section 230.

Reactions to NTIA's Section 230 Petition

Reactions to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's petition asking the Federal Communications Commission to adopt rules clarifying Section 230.

Reactions to the Accessible, Affordable, Internet for All Act

On June 24, House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn (D-SC) and other House Reps introduced the Accessible, Affordable Internet for All Act (HR 7302) which invests $100 billion to build high-speed broadband infrastructure in unserved and underserved communities and ensure that the resulting internet service is affordable.

Reactions to President Trump's Executive Order on Section 230

On May 28, President Donald Trump signed an executive order cracking down on "censorship" by social media sites. Here's the reaction.

Commissioner Reactions to 5G Fund for Rural America

The Federal Communications Commission adopted a notice of proposed rulemaking seeking comment on the 5G Fund for Rural America. The auction process would be two-phase – and where the controversy comes in relates to which areas would be included in the first phase and when that auction would occur.

Reactions to FCC Opening Up 6GHz Band to Wi-Fi and Other Unlicensed Uses

The Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously to allow the entire 1200 MHz of the 6 GHz band to be shared with unlicensed Wi-Fi, the FCC's latest move in freeing up more spectrum for connecting 5G in-home devices — video streaming, video calls — and connecting IoT devices to the internet.

Reactions from FCC Commissioners