Robert Booth

Rural internet deserts in England and Wales to finally get fast broadband

The last corners of England and Wales yet to be covered by a £5 billion push to widen fast broadband could finally get access to rapid downloads, streaming and video calls after the government announced £289 million in new taxpayer-funded contracts enabling coverage. The new contracts to lay full-fibre connections in areas not reached by private investment would apply in north Wales, including Anglesey, south-west Wales, Shropshire, Herefordshire, Devon, Somerset, Essex and the north-east of England, the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) announced.

Faster internet speeds are linked to lower civic engagement in UK

Faster internet access has significantly weakened civic participation in Britain, according to a study that found involvement in political parties, trade unions and volunteering fell as web speeds rose. Volunteering in social care fell by more than 10 percent when people lived closer to local telecom companies' exchange hubs and so enjoyed faster web access. Involvement in political parties fell by 19 percent with every 1.8 kilometer increase in proximity to a hub.