Shiva Goel

National Spectrum Strategy Update: Funding Approved for Lower 3 GHz and 7/8 GHz Band Studies
We are thrilled to announce that all agency requests for funding to complete the Lower 3 GHz and 7/8 GHz band studies have been approved by the Technical Panel established by the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act. The Lower 3 GHz and 7/8 GHz bands pose both promise and unprecedented complexity for evaluating repurposing possibilities that meet those needs.

An Update on Implementing the National Spectrum Strategy: The National Spectrum Research and Development Plan
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is thrilled by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy’s publication of the National Spectrum Research and Development Plan. Whether you’re talking about 5G, WiFi, advanced manufacturing, or missions to the moon and beyond, 21st-century American innovation often depends on sufficient access to spectrum.

Stakeholder Engagement on the National Spectrum Strategy Band Studies
Developing a common and comprehensive factual understanding about how we use, need, and could potentially expand access to spectrum is critical to meet the Nation’s diverse spectrum requirements while also maintaining trust in the process. It’s core to the National Spectrum Strategy's study-first approach to building a spectrum pipeline. For the Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS) demonstration, the Department of Defense relaunched Partnering to Advance Trusted and Holistic Spectrum Solutions (PATHSS) to engage key stakeholders.