Sylvan Lane

President-elect Trump taps economists, investors for transition team

President-elect Donald Trump designated a dozen transition officials, campaign supporters, scholars and former administration officials to bridge the gap at key federal finance and business agencies. President-elect Trump’s transition team announced 12 men and women from various sectors and industries — including several early campaign supporters — to serve on “landing teams.” The teams will help Trump staff his new administration, though members of the teams won’t necessarily be nominated or hired. Jeffrey Eisenach, director of the fiscally conservative American Enterprise Institute’s Center for Internet, Communications, and Technology Policy, and Mark Jamison, director of the University of Florida’s Public Utilities Research Center, will lead the Federal Communications Commission team.

Facebook, Instagram helping White House aides find jobs

Representatives from social media giants Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are helping White House staffers find jobs for after President Barack Obama leaves office. Facebook and Instagram figures are advising staffers on the current job market, while LinkedIn officials are offering help with resumes and marketing their skills.

Georgetown University is also offering a customized career development program called “Future44,” named after Obama’s service as the 44th president. The program, funded by an anonymous donor, has hosted 271 White House staffers so far. Several high-profile former Obama staffers landed at tech companies after their White House service.