Drew Garner

Director of Policy Engagement

Drew combines research, analysis, and storytelling to educate government officials and the general public about broadband policy. He helps lead Benton’s work on broadband affordability, and he serves as Deputy Director for the Broadband State Education Project, which gives community-led coalitions a powerful voice in state broadband investments. 

Previously, Drew worked as the State Broadband Policy Advisor for Common Sense Media, and as a Broadband Legislative Fellow for Senator Tina Smith. He received a Masters in Public Policy from the University of Minnesota, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from New York University. 

Drew's Recent Articles

New Dataset Reveals Impact of RDOF Defaults on Each State

Congress, Don't Drop Affordable Broadband

Cruz Creating Detours on the Road to Internet For All

The Election’s Impact on Broadband and Digital Equity

The Case for Ubiquitous Broadband for K-12 Students

What Happens When You Lock 30 Experts in a Room Until They Agree on Broadband Permitting?

Permitting Success: Closing the Digital Divide Through Local Broadband Permitting

23,269,550 ACP Households

Who is About to Lose their ACP Discount?

Here’s What ISPs Are Telling ACP Subscribers Today

How the FCC Plans to End the Affordable Connectivity Program