
Weekly Digest

The Keyes to Digital Inclusion: An Interview with David Keyes, Digital Equity Manager, City of Seattle

The Keyes to Digital Inclusion:
An Interview with David Keyes, Digital Equity Manager, City of Seattle

You’re reading the Benton Foundation’s Weekly Round-up, a recap of the biggest (or most overlooked) telecommunications stories of the week. The round-up is delivered via e-mail each Friday; to get your own copy, subscribe at

Robbie’s Round-Up for the Week of May 30-June 3, 2016


Untold Stories Matter, Too

Pretend you’re a journalist (if you really are one, ignore that but read on anyhow) and someone calls and says “I’ve got a good and timely story that I think your readers/listeners would like to know about. There is a government agency that has both the authority and the responsibility to help clean up our broken big-money election campaigns—and it is refusing to do its job.” Let me explain.

Weekly Digest

Lessons from the 2016 Net Inclusion Summit

You’re reading the Benton Foundation’s Weekly Round-up, a recap of the biggest (or most overlooked) telecommunications stories of the week. The round-up is delivered via e-mail each Friday; to get your own copy, subscribe at

Robbie’s Round-Up for the Week of May 23-27, 2016

Benton Editorial

Digital Inclusion Heroes

Adrianne B. Furniss
Presentation of Charles Benton Digital Equity Award to David Keyes
May 18, 2016
as prepared for delivery

“Functional Internet access is essential for full participation in society.”

“Broadband Internet access service is essential to education, public health, and public safety.”


Cities, Technology, the Next Generation of Urban Development, and the Next Administration

Blair Levin
Brookings Metropolitan Policy Project
Kansas City Gigabit Summit
May 17, 2016

We should set an agenda for how the next administration can move the country forward in this century’s city-led, global information economy

My topic today is Cities, Technology, the Next Generation of Urban Development and the Next Administration.

Weekly Digest

A New Charter

You’re reading the Benton Foundation’s Weekly Round-up, a recap of the biggest (or most overlooked) telecommunications stories of the week. The round-up is delivered via e-mail each Friday; to get your own copy, subscribe at

Robbie’s Round-Up for the Week of May 2-13, 2016

Weekly Digest

Telecom Policy Potpourri

You’re reading the Benton Foundation’s Weekly Round-up, a recap of the biggest (or most overlooked) telecommunications stories of the week. The round-up is delivered via e-mail each Friday; to get your own copy, subscribe at

Robbie’s Round-Up for the Week of April 25-29, 2016

Benton Editorial

What a Difference a Year Makes

Today marks the first anniversary of Charles Benton’s death.

You may have known Charles because you met him at a conference or you spoke on the phone or you read one of his articles. Tall, large of voice, possessed of dazzling grin and intractable hair, Charles naturally drew considerable attention. He was the Benton Foundation for many people.