
Weekly Digest

The Open Internet and the Digital Divide

At a May 20 House oversight hearing, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler emphatically defended the Commission’s latest open Internet proposal saying, “There is one Internet. Everybody ought to have open, equal access to the capacity delivered by the Internet."

Weekly Digest

Still No Time For Party Hats -- The Net Neutrality Vote In The FCC Commissioners' Own Words

Still No Time For Party Hats
The Net Neutrality Vote In The FCC Commissioners' Own Words

Commissioner Ajit Pai, Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, Chairman Tom Wheeler, Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel and Commissioner Michael O’Rielly

Weekly Digest

The Day Wheeler’s Open Internet Proposal Died

The Day Wheeler’s Open Internet Proposal Died


No Fast Lanes For The Few

Just about everybody understands the Internet to be the most opportunity-creating tool of our time. The question now is opportunity for whom? Is the Net going to be the tool of the many that helps us all live better -- or will it be the playground of the privileged few that only widens the many divides that are creating a shamefully stratified and unequal America? Are we heading toward an online future with fast lanes for the 1% and slow lanes for the 99%?

Life in the Slow Lane

Please don’t break the Internet before rural America gets it.

The Wall Street Journal reported the Federal Communications Commission will consider “new rules on Internet traffic that would allow broadband providers to charge companies a premium for access to their fastest lanes.”


The Nobility of E-Rate

In the library community, one of today’s highest profile, exciting national policy topics is modernization of the E-rate program. I know... it is hard to believe that the words “exciting” and "E-rate" can be in the same sentence. Well, it is true, and, as we shall see, it is with good reason.


A Primer on Political Speech and Broadcasting

There is no speech more important than that of one citizen asking another for her vote. Congress has enacted a series of provisions addressing how broadcasters and cable operators treat candidates. With the 2014 primary season now under way, this is a good time to review those requirements.

“Equal time”