
Weekly Digest

Can the FCC promote broadband competition, innovation, and investment? The courts and Congress to decide

On Monday, September 9, a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit heard oral arguments in Verizon v. Federal Communications (11-1355). Judges Judith W. Rogers, David S. Tatel, Laurence H. Silberman will now decide the fate of the FCC’s Open Internet rules.

Weekly Digest

Verizon Eats Itself (And Why It Matters)

Ah, Labor Day. On that last, great, three day weekend of the summer, we can relax, reflect on the memories of the passing season, and enjoy one more barbeque. So maybe we can be forgiven if we missed the screaming headlines. … Biggest Deal Ever … Future of Telecom in U.S. … $130 Billion. There were screaming headlines, right?

Weekly Digest

Latest Broadband Numbers Highlight Persistent Problems

On August 26, our good friends at the Pew Internet and American Life Project released their latest research on home broadband adoption. As the Pew survey will be the most up-to-date, most quoted numbers when policymakers consider broadband-related measures, we take some time here to look at Pew’s findings. (1)

Weekly Digest

Facebook For All

Increasing Internet access around the world was one of the hot stories of the week. Observers wondered, however, if all the smoke really indicates there's a fire to connect everyone to the Internet.


Can Journalists Help Themselves?

A major victim of our changed and monopolized media environment is journalism itself. Its diminished state leads to a fundamental question: do journalists have a responsibility, or even a right, to work for change in that environment?

Weekly Digest

Who Owns Your TV (Station)?

Politico’s Brooks Boliek wrote an article this week that really caught our eye. In “Broadcast TV landscape is shifting under FCC” Boliek notes there’s been a string of broadcast television station deals announced of late. We’ve seen the headlines, too, obviously: