Benton's Communications-related Headlines For Tuesday December 19, 2006

McDowell Will Not Vote on AT&T
* Reaction
* Editorials
* Coverage
Sen. Sununu To Undertake Sen. Allen's Tech Agenda

Life in the Slow Lane: A Guide to the Un-Neutral Net
YOU - Person of This Year, But Next Year's Toast?
Imbalance in Net Speeds Impedes Sharing

Cities, states, and non-profits line up against=20
Martin's video franchise agenda
Verizon Wins NJ Franchise
Study: TV Shapes Public's Perception of Gays and Lesbians
PTC Weighs in as Friend of FCC

White House accused of censorship
Iraqi TV station plays up U.S. losses

QUICKLY -- Celebrate 20 Years of MMTC;=20
Independence Day -- A look at the net neutrality=20
Debate; Baltimore's e-Rate funding in jeopardy;=20
WiMax networks hope to lure customers from DSL;=20
Time To Rev Up FOI Laws; BCE of Canada Will Sell Satellite Unit


[SOURCE: Associated Press, AUTHOR: John Dunbar]
AT&T's proposed buyout of BellSouth was thrown=20
into doubt Monday when Federal Communications=20
Commissioner Robert McDowell, a former=20
telecommunications industry lobbyist, said he=20
will not be voting on the deal. His personal=20
disqualification means the nation's largest=20
telecommunications merger is stuck at a presumed=20
2-2 deadlock. He said he hoped his fellow=20
commissioners "will come back to the negotiating=20
table in good faith to offer meaningful=20
concessions." The acquisition has been hung up=20
because the two Democrats on the commission,=20
Michael Copps and Jonathan Adelstein, have=20
insisted that AT&T agree to conditions, including=20
some allowances on the issue of network=20
neutrality. Of a recent FCC General Counsel=20
decision allowing McDowell to participate in the=20
vote, McDowell said it is "hesitant, does not=20
acknowledge crucial facts and analyses, and=20
concludes by framing this matter as an ethical=20
coin-toss, frozen in mid-air. The document does=20
not provide me with confidence or comfort."
*** See all our coverage at *=

* McDowell's statement: "I had expected a=20
memorandum making a strong and clear case for my=20
participation. Instead, the Authorization Memo is=20
hesitant, does not acknowledge crucial facts and=20
analyses, and concludes by framing this matter as=20
an ethical coin-toss frozen in mid-air. The=20
document does not provide me with confidence or=20
comfort. Nor does the December 11, 2006, letter=20
responding to the questions posed by=20
Representatives Dingell and Markey.15 I must=20
emphasize that in no way should anyone interpret=20
my observations as a criticism of Mr. Feder or=20
his staff. As indicated in the Authorization=20
Memo, reasonable minds can differ on this matter.=20
Nonetheless, while I expected the legal=20
equivalent of body armor, I was handed Swiss=20
cheese." ... "In light of these factors, I find=20
that I have no choice but to abide by the terms=20
of my Ethics Agreement, heed the independent=20
advice of OGE and my personal ethics counsel,=20
and, ultimately to follow my own personal sense=20
of ethics. Accordingly, I disqualify myself from this matter."

* FCC Chairman Martin:
"I appreciate Commissioner McDowell's thoughtful=20
consideration and respect his decision to=20
abstain. My goal in recent weeks has been to=20
ensure that the Commission acted on the=20
transaction. The Commission is not obligated to=20
reach a particular outcome. However, the=20
Commission is responsible for making a=20
determination in a timely fashion. With=20
Commissioner McDowell having made his decision, I=20
will continue to try to work with my colleagues=20
to bring our consideration of this merger to conclusion."
* Commissioner Copps: "I respect Rob's=20
decision. Finally we have clarity on who will be=20
participating in this proceeding. That should=20
give some juice to our ongoing discussions."

* AT&T:
A Disappointed AT&T said the merger was in the=20
public's interest and said it would continue to=20
work for as speedy a resolution as possible. =93Our=20
merger is in the best interest of consumers, the=20
economy and the Nation. A broad range of=20
individuals and organizations =AD including the=20
Communications Workers of America =AD have voiced=20
their support for the merger and the pro-consumer=20
conditions we have offered. State regulators,=20
minority organizations, small business groups,=20
educational and community groups and elected=20
officials from both the Democratic and Republican=20
parties have all recognized the concrete benefits=20
that our merger brings to consumers and the=20
public interest. We have sought the support for=20
this merger from every member of the Commission=20
since the very beginning and we will continue to=20
do so. We will =AD as we have always done =AD do our=20
part to bring the merger review to a bipartisan=20
completion as quickly as possible.=94

"Now that this matter has been resolved, COMPTEL=20
hopes that AT&T will finally engage in forthright=20
negotiations on conditions to address the serious=20
competitive harms raised by this merger. It is=20
time to make a decision on this=20
transaction. Whether it is approved or is denied=20
is now largely a function of AT&T's willingness=20
to address the legitimate public interest=20
concerns raised by the largest telecom merger in=20
history. We should know soon whether AT&T is=20
serious about this merger or not. COMPTEL looks=20
forward to working with the Commission to ensure=20
that reasonable safeguards are adopted."

* Free Press Commends Commissioner McDowell for=20
Staying Out of AT&T-BellSouth Vote
"We applaud Commissioner McDowell's decision to=20
stay out of the AT&T-BellSouth merger. He was=20
under intense pressure to rubber-stamp this deal=20
but instead put ethics ahead of expediency. He=20
has put the public interest first and set the=20
table for a consumer-friendly resolution of this=20
merger. Now the other commissioners can return to=20
the business of making good public policy. We're=20
optimistic that all sides will return to the=20
table for good-faith negotiations on merger=20
conditions that will protect consumers and=20
maintain a neutral and open Internet."

* Media Access Project
"FCC Commissioner McDowell has courageously=20
elevated professional responsibility over=20
expedience in declining to participate in=20
deliberations about the ATT/BellSouth=20
merger. The test for such decisions is whether=20
an action diminishes public confidence in the=20
FCC=92s actions. There is no doubt that the=20
legitimacy of all FCC decision making would have=20
suffered had Commissioner McDowell yielded to=20
pressure and agreed to vote on the merger."

* Public Knowledge
"Commissioner McDowell should be commended for=20
his thoughtful deliberation over what anyone=20
would consider a very difficult decision. In the=20
end, he was correct to recuse himself from the=20
AT&T takeover of BellSouth. This is too important=20
a transaction to be clouded by the ethical=20
questions that would have come up had the=20
Commissioner taken part in the proceeding. It is=20
now up to Chairman Martin to negotiate a balanced=20
set of terms and conditions with Commissioners=20
Copps and Adelstein that will protect the public=20
interest and the freedom of the Internet. We have every hope he will do so."

* Dingell Gets His Man
[SOURCE: Wall Street Journal, AUTHOR: Editorial Staff]
[Commentary] The WSJ salutes FCC Commissioner=20
Robert McDowell for taking "the high road" and=20
acting "with some integrity." But in the same=20
breath, the editorial makes bad guys of fellow=20
FCC Commissioners Michael Copps and Jonathan=20
Adelstein and Reps John Dingell (D-MI) and Ed=20
Markey (D-MA) for suggesting that the course=20
McDowell ultimately took is the most ethical. The=20
paper concludes: "Mr. McDowell compared his=20
action yesterday to taking his own pawn off the=20
chess board on which this merger is being=20
decided. In doing so, he voluntarily gave his=20
political opponents better odds and has forgone=20
an opportunity to pursue the pro-market policies=20
he would clearly support if he weren't worried=20
about political retribution. If his gesture of=20
good will is not reciprocated, this=20
pro-competitive merger will go down as the first=20
business casualty of the new Democratic majority."
(requires subscription)

* Virtuous Neutrality
[SOURCE: Los Angeles Times, AUTHOR: Editorial Staff]
[Commentary] The LATimes approves of McDowell's=20
decision mainly because it raises the potential=20
that merger conditions are now more likely to=20
include Network Neutrality. "This merger is less=20
troubling than it would have been a decade ago,=20
with Internet service providers, cable TV and=20
wireless companies all offering alternatives to=20
the local phone companies' copper lines. There is=20
far less competition, however, in high-speed=20
Internet service. In many parts of the country,=20
consumers may have only one or no alternative to=20
the DSL service to be offered by AT&T/BellSouth.=20
That's why the merger should not be approved=20
unless there is a guarantee that AT&T will offer=20
a level playing field to websites and online=20
services, at least until their customers have=20
more choices for high-speed Internet connections.",1,653...
(requires registration)

* FCC's McDowell Won't Cast Vote on AT&T/Bell South Merger
"FCC Commissioner McDowell has courageously=20
elevated professional responsibility over=20
expedience in declining to participate in=20
deliberations about the ATT/BellSouth merger,"=20
said Media Access Project's Andrew J.=20
Schwartzman. MAP favors the sort of public=20
interest conditions advocated by the commission's=20
two Democrats. "The test for such decisions is=20
whether an action diminishes public confidence in=20
the FCC=92s actions," said Schwartzman. "There is=20
no doubt that the legitimacy of all FCC decision=20
making would have suffered had Commissioner=20
McDowell yielded to pressure and agreed to vote on the merger."
* Commissioner won't break deadlock over AT&T-BellSouth deal
Rep John Dingell (D-MI) praised McDowell for=20
"adhering to high ethical standards in this=20
matter" and encouraged the remaining=20
commissioners to bring the matter to a "fair and=20
timely resolution." "This is too important a=20
transaction to be clouded by the ethical=20
questions that would have come up had the=20
Commissioner taken part in the proceeding," Gigi=20
Sohn, president of the group Public Knowledge, said in a statement.
* FCC's McDowell out on AT&T/BellSouth merger
* McDowell Won't Enter AT&T-BellSouth
* Amid Twists at FCC Review, AT&T Hurdles Loom
(requires subscription)
* FCC Official Declines to Vote On AT& T Deal
* FCC member officially bows out of voting on AT&T deal
* FCC official won't vote on AT&T-BellSouth merger,1,715406.s...
* AT&T/BellSouth deal in doubt
(requires subscription)

[SOURCE: Technology Daily 12/12, AUTHOR: David Hatch]
Sen. John Sununu (R-NH) will inherit the main=20
technology priorities of departing Sen George=20
Allen (R-VA) in an attempt to keep the=20
Virginian's legislative legacy alive. Sen Sununu=20
will carry the Republican torch on three Allen=20
priorities: 1) banning Internet taxes, 2)=20
fostering wireless, high-speed Internet services=20
and 3) restricting spyware. With Democrats taking=20
control of the Senate, the bills with the best=20
chance of passage will probably come from people=20
with "Ds" following their names, but Sen Sununu=20
could be a key co-sponsor. A Republican aide said=20
the New Hampshire lawmaker wants to downsize and=20
streamline the FCC and has reached out to like-minded members on that front.


[SOURCE: Center for Digital Democracy]
[Commentary] After more than a year of debate in=20
Washington, the fate of Network Neutrality--and=20
with it the future of the Internet--remains=20
unresolved. A strong tide of public opposition=20
to new telecommunications legislation in both the=20
House (H.R. 5252) and Senate (S. 2686), led by=20
Save the and other advocacy groups,=20
forestalled what would have been a major victory=20
for a relative handful of cable operators and=20
telephone companies. Had Congress completed its=20
rewrite of the Telecommunications Act of 1996,=20
broadband network operators would have been free=20
to institute new "tiered" or "differentiated"=20
levels of service, based on discriminatory,=20
fee-based traffic-management schemes. The matter=20
will now be taken up anew in 2007 in the 110th=20
(and now Democratic-majority) Congress. At stake=20
is nothing less than the future of the=20
Internet. In particular, Congress's handling of=20
the network neutrality issue will determine=20
whether network operators will have the ability=20
to discriminate in their carriage of the data=20
that comprise a major part of society's "central=20
nervous system"--the news and information, emails=20
and websites, that have become a part of everyday=20
life. Instead of the common-carriage,=20
all-data-are-created-equal tradition of the=20
Internet, the new, Un-Neutral Net will allow=20
operators to favor their own content and that of=20
their affiliates, while relegating competitive=20
and unaffiliated content to the slow lanes of the=20
Internet. Network neutrality, it is clear, is=20
more than an idle concern. It is not, as the=20
network owners and their well-paid consultants=20
suggest, a "solution in search of a problem."=20
Rather, the principle of network neutrality=20
represents our last, best hope of preserving a=20
vital noncommercial, civic core in an online=20
environment that grows more commercialized every=20
day. As we have noted elsewhere, the=20
possibilities for democratic discourse, for=20
educational advancement, and for cultural=20
expression will be greatly reduced in a delivery=20
system that favors big business over small,=20
e-commerce over e-democracy, and public relations=20
over public service. Free of such market-based=20
controls, on the other hand, the new broadband=20
networks could bring a vast array of new=20
programming to the home, at once extending the=20
reach of the high-speed Internet (which currently=20
reaches less than half of the nation's=20
households) and enhancing its content (much of=20
which is currently constrained by the bandwidth=20
limitations of inferior broadband service). But=20
for the full potential of the broadband era to be=20
realized, we will need to have a strong policy of network neutrality in pla=

[SOURCE: The Huffington Post, AUTHOR: Jonathan=20
Rintels, Center for Creative Voices]
[Commentary] Alas, the incredible euphoria of=20
Time Magazine picking You and Me as their=20
Person(s) of the Year for 2006 can't last=20
forever. No more all night parties. No more=20
dancing in the virtual streets. Time to sober up=20
and realize how all this wonderful - and less=20
wonderful - user created content celebrated by=20
Time almost didn't happen; how fragile our=20
ability to post our content on the Internet=20
really is; and, how the telephone and cable=20
companies that monopolize broadband Internet=20
access want 2007 to be the year not of Us, but of=20
Them. The entire phenomenon of a huge audience=20
reaching home brewed content created by Us relies=20
upon consumers having the right - and opportunity=20
-- to choose what websites they visit. Today, we=20
have that, and it's called "Net Neutrality." But=20
the handful of telephone and cable companies that=20
control the market for broadband Internet access=20
- over 98 percent market share for cable and DSL!=20
-- have spent hundreds of millions of dollars=20
this year to persuade Congress and the Federal=20
Communications Commission (FCC) that they should=20
be able to control what content streams over=20
their "pipes" and what websites their captive=20
customers can visit. The companies' plan is to=20
force content producers to pay extra fees and=20
tolls for so-called "priority" service, while=20
relegating those who don't pay to the Digital=20
Dirt Road. Who will pay those fees and tolls?=20
Those who can afford to - the already fat,=20
established, and constipated Big Media and Old=20
Media -- at the expense of the creative,=20
hustling, innovative, and entrepreneurial. Had=20
this Pay to Play on the Net System been permitted=20
a few years ago, Google would still be in a=20
garage. Rocketboom would be Rocketbust. YouTube? Try TheirTube.

[SOURCE: Associated Press, AUTHOR: Anick Jesdanun]
The information superhighway isn't truly equal in=20
both directions. Cable and phone companies=20
typically sell asymmetrical Internet services to=20
households, reserving the bulk of the lanes for=20
downloading movies and other files and leaving=20
the shoulders at most for people to share, or=20
upload, files with others. The imbalance makes=20
less sense as the Internet becomes truly=20
interactive. Users are increasingly becoming=20
contributors and not just consumers, sharing=20
photos, video and podcasts. It's a little-known=20
fact because advertisements for cable and DSL=20
services generally focus on download speeds.=20
Internet content providers are stuck unless they=20
shell out hundreds of dollars a month for=20
business-grade services that provide equal speeds=20
upstream and downstream. Cable and phone=20
providers insist they are keeping up with demand,=20
in many cases increasing both upload and download=20
speeds, but they say they haven't had a huge clamoring for symmetry.


[SOURCE: Lasar's Letter on the FCC, AUTHOR: Matthew Lasar]
They're all but calling it the Magna Carta of=20
video franchise reform: Federal Communications=20
Commission Chair Kevin Martin's proposal to set=20
limits on the power of cities and counties to=20
grant video franchises. The FCC will vote on the=20
matter on Wednesday. But local franchising=20
authorities (LFAs) worry that the FCC's proposals=20
will deny them the ability to require video=20
providers to roll out service not just in big=20
cities, but in outlying areas, where people are=20
often poorer. Chances are that if the FCC decides=20
to implement the proposal championed by FCC=20
Chairman Kevin martin on Wednesday, various=20
groups will challenge the FCC's legal right to act on this issue.

[SOURCE: Multichannel News, AUTHOR: Steve Donohue]
Verizon Communications said it plans to begin=20
marketing its FiOS TV service to about 100 New=20
Jersey communities following approval Friday by=20
the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities of the=20
first state-issued video-franchise deal for=20
Verizon. During the next few weeks, Verizon said=20
it plans to begin marketing FiOS TV to towns in=20
Bergen, Camden, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris,=20
Passaic and Somerset counties. And in the next=20
few months, it will add communities in Essex, Mercer and Union Counties.

[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: Rebecca Stropoli]
In a poll conducted by Bravo's, the=20
first broadband channel targeted to the gay,=20
lesbian, bisexual and transgender community,=20
television trumped religion as far as how=20
Americans shape their opinions of gay and lesbian=20
lifestyles. Almost half of those polled (47%)=20
said that TV had the most influence on their=20
perception of the community, while religion came=20
in second (34%). Other findings: 75% of those=20
polled said that knowing if an actor or actress=20
were gay would not affect whether they would=20
watch a show the performer was in; 10% thought=20
there should be more gay characters on TV; 66%=20
think the media report too much on gay and=20
lesbian celebrities; 74% think society has become=20
more accepting of gay and lesbian celebrities;=20
and 43% said American viewers were not ready to=20
see transgender characters on TV and never would be.

[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
The Parents Television Council, filing for Focus=20
on the Family, Concerned Women for America, and=20
citizens for Community Values, among others, has=20
asked the U.S. Appeals Court for the Second=20
Circuit in New York to uphold the FCC's cussing=20
crackdown. PTC says the Commission has taken=20
"affirmative steps for "decency" and community=20
standards in the face of an "assault" by=20
broadcasters. PTC concedes that indecency can be=20
"difficult at times to define" in light of a=20
nationwide community standard, but contends that=20
a line must be drawn somewhere. In fact, says=20
PTC, "if the FCC had ruled on the merits of each=20
of the thousands of complaints which were in=20
essence plea bargained away in the recent and=20
various FCC consent decrees [including a November=20
2005 $3.5 million settlement with Viacom over all=20
non-Janet Jackson complaints], both broadcasters=20
and the public would have better guidance about=20
what is or is not indecent." PTC alleges that=20
networks rate their programs inaccurately on=20
purpose so that advertisers won't be scared away=20
from fare that is "too sexually charged or=20
otherwise indecent." It also calls "utter=20
rubbish" the contention that indecency law=20
impinges on creative freedom, saying that most=20
programmers have cable and other digital=20
platforms to program with "indecent" material if they chose.


[SOURCE: Los Angeles Times, AUTHOR: Paul Richter]
A former National Security Council official said=20
Monday that the White House tried to silence his=20
criticism of its Middle East policies by ordering=20
the CIA to censor an op-ed column he wrote. Flynt=20
Leverett, a former senior director for Middle=20
East affairs at the National Security Council, or=20
NSC, and a former CIA analyst, said the White=20
House told a CIA censor board to excise parts of=20
a 1,000-word commentary on U.S. policy toward=20
Iran that he had offered to the New York Times.=20
Leverett, who has criticized the administration=20
for failing to deal directly with Tehran, said=20
the board wanted to remove references to prior U.S. contacts with Iran.,1,...
(requires registration)

[SOURCE: Los Angeles Times, AUTHOR: Borzou Daragahi and Molly Hennessy-Fis=
A look at Iraq's Al Zawraa channel, which the=20
article accuses to be propaganda against U.S.=20
forces and the Iraqi government. The channel has=20
become something of a sensation throughout the=20
country. It has drawn condemnation from U.S.=20
officials, Iraqi politicians and Friday prayer=20
leaders. Most hours of the day it plays footage=20
of U.S. soldiers in Iraq being shot and blown up=20
in insurgent attacks, often with religious chants=20
or Saddam Hussein-era nationalist anthems in the=20
background. There are segments warning Iraq's=20
Sunni Arabs to be wary of Shiite Muslims, and=20
occasional English-language commentary and=20
subtitles clearly meant to demoralize U.S. troops.,1,...
(requires registration)


[SOURCE: Minority Media & Telecommunications Council AUTHOR: ]
In December 17, 1986, the FCC suspended two of=20
its three minority broadcast ownership=20
policies. The next day, the MMTC was founded to=20
get the policies back -- and two years later, it=20
won them back. Yet after 20 years, the US is only=20
slightly closer to overcoming the barriers to=20
entry and access to capital faced by people of=20
color in broadcasting, cable, wireless, wireline,=20
satellites, print media and the Internet. Learn=20
more at

What is Net Neutrality? Here's another video that tries to explain the issu=

[SOURCE: eSchool News]
As schools apply now for their share of billions=20
of dollars in e-Rate funds for 2007, the group in=20
charge of administering the federal program wants=20
back $2.5 million in funding from the Baltimore=20
city schools, because an audit of funds disbursed=20
in 2002 could not prove that equipment funded by=20
the program that year had been delivered or=20
installed. The Baltimore city school system has=20
contracted with an e-Rate consulting firm to help it sort out the problem.

[SOURCE: San Francisco Chronicle, AUTHOR: Ryan Kim]
First came Wi-Fi hotspots, then municipal Wi-Fi=20
projects. Last year, cellular broadband made its=20
appearance. While both have extended the reach of=20
high-speed Internet access beyond the home and=20
office, technology and telecom companies like=20
Intel, Motorola, Samsung and Sprint Nextel have=20
high hopes for another wireless option called=20
WiMax to help fulfill the promise of ubiquitous=20
Internet access. When fully realized, WiMax will=20
be used in nationwide networks that deliver=20
wireless broadband service, offering a blend of=20
speed, range and price beyond what is offered by current wireless services.

[SOURCE: Editor&Publisher, AUTHOR: Mark Fitzgerald]
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), the incoming Senate=20
Judiciary Chairman, says strengthening open=20
government and citizen privacy laws will be his=20
committee's priority. In a little-noticed speech=20
last week at Georgetown University Law Center,=20
Sen Leahy lamented the recent congressional=20
acquiescence to the Bush administration's=20
secrecy, and promised to restore the=20
constitutional balance between the executive and=20
legislative branches of government.=20
"Unfortunately, open, informed government has=20
been under assault by the first administration in=20
modern times that is explicitly hostile to the=20
public's right to know," Sen Leahy said. "By=20
using ideology to trump science, gagging=20
government scientists and experts, reclassifying=20
public documents and undermining important tools=20
like [the Freedom Of Information Act], this=20
government has displayed a dangerous disdain for=20
the free press and the public."

[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: Ian Austen]
In a final step toward concentrating on its Bell=20
Canada telephone business, BCE Inc. said on=20
Monday that it would sell its Telesat Canada=20
satellite communications division to Loral Space=20
and Communications and a Canadian pension fund.=20
The sale price of 3.25 billion Canadian dollars=20
(or 2.8 billion real American dollars) was about=20
600 million to 1 billion Canadian dollars more than analysts=92 estimates.
(requires registration)
Communications-related Headlines is a free online=20
news summary service provided by the Benton=20
Foundation ( Posted Monday=20
through Friday, this service provides updates on=20
important industry developments, policy issues,=20
and other related news events. While the=20
summaries are factually accurate, their often=20
informal tone does not always represent the tone=20
of the original articles. Headlines are compiled=20
by Kevin Taglang headlines( at ) -- we welcome your comments.