Benton's Communications-related Headlines For Tuesday March 21, 2006

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For upcoming media policy events, see

Verizon Gets Break On Business Broadband
Stevens Weighs FCC enforcing Net Neutrality
Customer is king in new telecom era
Helping Bridge the Digital Divide
US cities warned on long-term costs of free wireless

Benton Answers Adelstein's Call to Action
Public Failing Public TV
Verizon, CBS Sign Retrans Deal
Franchising Letter From Hispanic Groups Questioned
Charter Chief Sees =C0 La Carte Looming
Advertisers Sit Out Cable A La Carte Distribution Battle
A fine mess at the FCC
Experts Rip 'Sesame' TV Aimed at Tiniest Tots

The Turbulent World of News

QUICKLY -- MAP Queries FCC On Possible Rule=20
Violation; Chinese Regulators Caution TV Talent=20
Shows; CDT Report Identifies Large Corporate Adware Funders


[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
Despite the opposition of two of the four sitting=20
FCC commissioners, the FCC Monday granted Verizon=20
relief from regulations on the provision of=20
high-speed broadband service to large business=20
customers. Verizon filed the so-called=20
"forbearance" petition in December 2004 per the=20
1996 Telecommunications act, which allows the FCC=20
to exempt companies from regulations under=20
certain circumstances. (If the Commission does=20
not deny the petition in a year for failure to=20
meet the criteria for forbearance, it is granted=20
by default.) Verizon promised to continue to pay=20
into the Universal Service Fund for the business=20
services. That fund helps pay for broadband=20
roll-out to poorer or hard-to-reach areas.=20
Verizon also said it would continue to make the=20
services available was "wholesale common carrier=20
services." The supporting commissioners were=20
deregulatory Republicans FCC Chairman Kevin=20
Martin and Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate, who=20
praised the outcome, saying: "Promoting broadband=20
deployment is one of the highest priorities of=20
the FCC. To accomplish this goal, the Commission=20
seeks to establish a policy environment that=20
facilitates and encourages broadband investment,=20
allowing market forces to deliver the benefits of=20
broadband to consumers. Today, we take another=20
step in establishing a regulatory environment=20
that encourages such investments and innovation."=20
Commissioners Michael Copps and Jonathan=20
Adelstein were not pleased with either the=20
outcome or the process that produced. Copps put=20
his problems with the latter this way: "As a=20
legal matter this approach is suspect. There is=20
no appealable Order. There is no document, no=20
stitch of analysis, no trace of discussion,=20
nothing that a court can use to gauge where the=20
Commission is coming from. And by failing to act=20
through a normal proceeding, the Commission=20
jeopardizes many Congressional policies that are=20
at the core of its statutory duties. I find no=20
basis to support an approach that puts so much at risk."
* FCC Press Release
* Joint Statement Martin & Tate:
* Copps Statement:
* Adelstein Statement:
Additional coverage --
* FCC Deregulates Verizon's Big-Business Market
* Verizon High-Speed Services Deregulated

[SOURCE: Reuters]
Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens on=20
Monday said he is considering a mechanism in=20
which the Federal Communications Commission would=20
be charged with ensuring that consumers can go=20
wherever they choose on the Internet or run any=20
Internet-based application. The Alaska Republican=20
said at a conference sponsored by communications=20
companies that the issue, dubbed network=20
neutrality, is one of the most difficult for=20
lawmakers to reach a consensus on as they craft=20
legislation aimed at overhauling U.S.=20
communications laws. "Net neutrality is one of=20
the most difficult issues our committee faces in=20
this process," he told the conference sponsored=20
by trade association Comptel, which represents=20
communications service providers and suppliers.=20
"I think there are more differences on our=20
committee on this one issue than any other issue."

[SOURCE: C-Net|, AUTHOR: Marguerite Reardon]
CEOs kicking off the TelecomNext trade show in=20
Las Vegas on Monday said that the consumer is the=20
most important catalyst in the rapidly changing=20
telecommunications market, but they also=20
cautioned that there are many challenges still=20
ahead. During a two-hour keynote session, CEOs=20
from Verizon Communications, Disney, Time Warner=20
Cable and NTT told a packed audience of=20
conference attendees that the future of telecom=20
lies in the hands of consumers who nowadays have=20
more choices when it comes to the content and=20
services they subscribe to and how they use them.=20
"We're seeing a great shift in how consumers=20
spend money, and our business models need to be=20
flexible," said Robert Iger, CEO of Disney. "It=20
used to be said that content was king, but the consumer is king."

[SOURCE: Wall Street Journal, AUTHOR: Joi Preciphs joi.preciphs( at )
It is hard to get a decent-paying job if you=20
can't use a computer. But with hectic lives and=20
transportation problems, it is often a struggle=20
for low-wage workers to find time for classroom=20
training or ways to get there. So with a federal=20
grant, New Jersey state officials in 2001 piloted=20
a program that gave low-income mothers who had=20
been working for at least four months laptops,=20
printers and Internet access so they could do=20
computer and job-skills training from home over=20
the Internet. There was a bonus offer -- the=20
computer was theirs to keep if they passed a=20
skills test at the end of a year. The results=20
have been impressive: 92% of the 128 women in the=20
first class finished, and those who finished=20
managed an average 14% pay increase. Fifteen went=20
on to college or community college. The state has=20
since expanded the program to seven of its 29=20
One-Stop Career Centers, and opened it to men as=20
well. Now, a handful of other states are copying the program.
(requires subscription)

[SOURCE: Financial Times, AUTHOR: Kevin Allison]
Municipal wireless experts are urging cities to=20
think twice before rushing to install free=20
wireless networks paid for by advertising amid=20
concerns that they may not be sustainable in the=20
long term. =93I think it=92s a very dangerous thing=20
for the industry in terms of [cities] jumping on=20
the free bandwagon,=94 said one consultant involved=20
in wireless projects in San Francisco and other=20
big cities. =93These networks need to be=20
financially stable for the long term, and there=20
are still many questions about whether=20
advertising will work.=94 Experts emphasized that=20
free networks could generate unexpected costs,=20
including the cost of dismantling a network if=20
its business model fails. They also warned that=20
economic development could be thwarted if free=20
networks failed to raise the revenue needed for=20
programmes to provide the poor with computers and other essential tools.
(requires subscription)


[SOURCE: Benton Foundation]
On March 15, FCC Commissioner Jonathan S.=20
Adelstein delivered a Call to Action, asking=20
government and the TV industry to reach out and=20
educate every American about the DTV transition.=20
The goal is to let every American know "what=92s in=20
it for me?" On March 20, Charles Benton wrote,=20
"When educating the public about the DTV=20
transition, there is no need to stop short with a=20
focus on technology, when there is so much more=20
at stake." He suggests any DTV Taskforce also=20
educate the public about their stake and right to=20
participate in proceedings that define how=20
broadcasters must serve local communities in=20
return for valuable spectrum licenses.

[SOURCE: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, AUTHOR: Mark Roth]
One in every 10 people who watch Pittsburgh's=20
WQED is a contributing member. If 2 in 10=20
contributed, the station's financial woes would=20
disappear. But that's unlikely to happen. The=20
number of public TV subscribers in America has=20
fallen from 7.2 million in 2000 to 6.5 million in=20
2004, the most recent statistics available,=20
according to the Corporation for Public=20
Broadcasting. With all the pressures facing=20
stations, it's easy to understand why public=20
broadcasting advocates have hoped for years that=20
Congress would set up a trust fund to provide=20
them with secure, stable funding that would be=20
immune from political pressures and ideological=20
debates. But Dennis Haarsager, general manager of=20
the public TV stations owned by Washington State=20
University, said he's not sure many members of=20
Congress support the trust fund idea. "In=20
general," he said drily, "legislators like to=20
have control over the money they appropriate."=20
Under the annual appropriations process, the=20
Corporation for Public Broadcasting now provides=20
about $266 million, or only about 13 percent of=20
public TV's total budget. "I think people=20
sometimes think that once they sign their tax=20
returns, we're taken care of," said Deborah=20
Acklin, WQED Multimedia's general manager. "But=20
we don't get most of our money from the government."
See also --
* NPR is Commercial Radio

[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
Verizon and CBS have struck a=20
retransmission-consent deal that includes analog=20
TV-station carriage, digital multicast channels,=20
HDTV, and video on demand (VOD) --both network=20
and local VOD content, primarily news. Getting=20
VOD play on the telco's FiOS video system will be=20
CSI, Survivor and NCIS, among other shows. The=20
VOD will be available for no extra cost above=20
FiOS service. Verizon had already been carrying=20
the CBS stations per a "special" agreement. When=20
Verizon launched its video service, it made a=20
deal with CBS to carry its stations in the=20
markets where it was launching. Leslie Moonves,=20
President and CEO, CBS, had told analysts in late=20
February to look for a big retransmission-consent=20
deal in the near future. This appears to have been it.
* Verizon Will Pay to Run CBS Shows on New Service

[SOURCE: Technology Daily, AUTHOR: David Hatch]
Latino groups sent a letter to top Senate=20
Commerce Committee lawmakers urging=20
video-franchising relief for the Bell=20
telecommunications firms, the appeal appeared to=20
be on behalf of Hispanic Americans. The groups=20
are part of the National Latino Media Council.=20
But critics said the letter also was on behalf of=20
the Bell firms AT&T and Verizon Communications,=20
which have financial and business ties to many of=20
the signatories. Among the signers was the=20
National Hispanic Media Coalition, which became a=20
client of the Washington-based lobbying firm=20
Mickey Ibarra and Associates on Feb. 23. Ibarra=20
is a registered lobbyist for Verizon and=20
Consumers for Cable Choice, which is funded partly by Bell companies.

[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
Charter Communications President Neil Smit says=20
he believes some form of =E0 la carte service is=20
coming, so he advises the industry, rather than=20
Washington, to come up with a plan. "Something=20
will happen," he told an audience of cable=20
marketers at a Cable Television Public Affairs=20
Association convention panel session in=20
Washington Monday. He didn't know whether it=20
would come from Washington or the industry, but=20
said he preferred the latter. He pointed to the=20
fact that the industry was getting it from the=20
right and left on the issue of unbundling its=20
service and selling individual channels to=20
consumers, with indecency driving calls from=20
conservatives for more content control, and from=20
liberals calling for more value and choice.

[SOURCE: AdAge, AUTHOR: Abbey Klaassen]
The cable industry is charging back against the=20
Federal Communication Commission=92s endorsement of=20
a la carte cable pricing, which would let=20
consumers buy only the channels they choose to=20
receive, rather than bundled packages. But=20
advertisers, who would see yet another mass-reach=20
vehicle upended if a la carte becomes the norm,=20
have been strangely silent so far. For=20
advertisers, a la carte would likely mean fewer=20
ratings points since incidental viewing would=20
drop. That reduced supply would likely drive=20
prices higher. On the flip side, advertisers=20
would know that the viewers watching a particular=20
channel were attached enough to purposefully pay=20
for it -- a sign they=92re more engaged with it.

[SOURCE: Los Angeles Times, AUTHOR: Joel Stein]
[Commentary] Even though Stein agrees that an=20
episode of "Without a Trace" was in awful,=20
soft-kiddie porn taste, the FCC should still=20
abandon its fining campaign, he writes. It's a=20
losing battle that will do nothing but exacerbate=20
the end of the broadcast networks by making them=20
safer, more nervous and lamer than cable. And by=20
chasing everyone to cable and satellite radio,=20
the FCC will cease to have any reason for being.=20
The best thing the FCC can do is let the networks=20
air their ridiculously unrealistic plots designed=20
to scare suburban parents and get back to its=20
main business, which Stein believe is=20
continuously breaking up AT&T, then putting it=20
back together again. The FCC's fight to protect=20
kids from sex is useless because, as=20
inappropriate as that teen sex orgy was, it's a=20
whole lot tamer than what teens see online.,1,40...
(requires registration)

[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Don Oldenburg]
How young is too young to park a baby in front of=20
the TV set? The American Academy of Pediatrics's=20
rule has been steadfast: No television under age=20
2. Now the venerable educational organization=20
that pioneered "Sesame Street" is lowering that=20
age limit with a new DVD series, "Sesame=20
Beginnings," which targets babies and toddlers=20
from 6 months to 2 years. Due in stores April 4,=20
the videos feature baby versions of "Sesame=20
Street's" most beloved characters -- Elmo, Big=20
Bird, Cookie Monster and Prairie Dawn -- dancing=20
and singing with their Muppet parents and other=20
relatives. The product's launch has frayed some=20
friendships and professional alliances among=20
experts who monitor the impact of media on young=20
minds. "Essentially it is a betrayal of babies=20
and families," says Harvard Medical School=20
psychologist Susan Linn, founder of the Campaign=20
for a Commercial-Free Childhood. "There is no=20
evidence that media is beneficial for babies, and=20
they are starting to find evidence that it may be=20
harmful. Until we know for sure, we shouldn't=20
risk putting them in front of the television."=20
Research suggests that television viewing by=20
babies could harm language development and sleep=20
patterns. And there's the "instead-of" caveat --=20
babies and toddlers glued to the tube aren't=20
doing other healthy activities such as creative=20
play and interacting with parents.
(requires registration)


[SOURCE: Economic Principals, AUTHOR: David Warsh]
[Commentary] This argument that newspapers are on=20
the ropes misses two key points: the scarcity=20
value of print, and the importance of management.=20
Old advantages die hard. For many of the same=20
reasons that historic cities remain in places for=20
thousands of years -- Paris, London, Rome,=20
Jerusalem and New York are still where they=20
started -- newspapers are likely to remain at the=20
top of the chain that creates and distributes=20
provisional truth and sets the agenda. Because=20
paper and ink are tangible and endure, newspapers=20
are archived, in libraries, on microfilm and in=20
servers; they cannot be changed with a few=20
keystrokes. Because the eye assimilates=20
information much more rapidly than does the ear,=20
newspapers contain much more information than do=20
broadcasts. They hire better people, give them=20
more time to work, offer their readers more=20
durable and satisfying explanations of events=20
than do their electronic brethren. Just as=20
newspapers met the challenges of radio and=20
television, they'll accommodate to the Internet,=20
too, and so remain our most powerful engines of=20
consensus. They'll be smaller, in the future,=20
fewer in number, nimbler, quicker than they were=20
before. Instead of the jumbo jet beloved of city=20
room metaphor, they'll be more like the 737s,=20
767s and 777s (and, soon enough, the 787s) jets=20
that have replaced the lumbering old behemoths on=20
the forward edge. They'll be more expensive, too,=20
and read by fewer people -- a badge of honor (or=20
an article of conspicuous consumption), a status=20
good, a sign that the reader matters. They'll=20
also be more locally owned, at least in the=20
nation's most vital cities. The problem today is=20
the way the industry has been organized=20
historically, not with newspapers themselves. In=20
their heyday, newspapers were relatively easy to=20
operate. Chains could buy out tired owners of=20
local papers and expect to carry on pretty much=20
as before. Not any more. The selectivity of the=20
McClatchy Company in deciding what to keep and=20
what to sell is a sign of things to come. It=20
seems to me highly unlikely that cities such as=20
Philadelphia and San Jose, or, for that matter,=20
Boston and Los Angeles, are going to remain for=20
long without vigorous independent and locally=20
owned newspapers to cover them. Continuing to=20
wilt under inept management is the alternative.=20
It simply defies the logic of cities that the=20
Chicago Tribune should own the Los Angeles Times,=20
or The New York Times should own The Boston=20
Globe. Newspapers in powerful cities should be=20
locally owned by persons, typically families,=20
involved in their hometown's affairs. Otherwise, they wilt.


[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
Media Access Project (MAP) has written the FCC to=20
ask its General Counsel whether the commission=20
has violated ex parte rules in its consideration=20
of the Adelphia acquisition by Time Warner and=20
Comcast. The letter stems from a press conference=20
Friday in which FCC Chairman Kevin Martin talked=20
to reporters about a variety of subjects. MAP=20
says a number of press accounts, including B&C's,=20
reported that Martin "implied that he had been=20
asked to defer action on the Adelphia matter at=20
the request of certain parties. MAP says that any=20
communications relating to merger timing are=20
"presentations" and should show up on a list of=20
disclosed communications about the transaction.=20
If such exist, MAP can't find them and wants=20
access to them "in sufficient time for other=20
parties to have a meaningful opportunity to=20
comment on any previously undisclosed=20
communications." Such communications are allowed=20
in so-called "permit-but-disclose" proceedings,=20
including the Adelphia deal, but the "disclose"=20
part requires a summary of those communications=20
be placed in the public record. MAP represents=20
several groups with concerns about the merger.

[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: David Barboza]
One of China's most popular television programs=20
last year, an "American Idol" knockoff called=20
"The Mongolian Cow Sour Yogurt Supergirl=20
Contest," is apparently about to be reined in by=20
government regulators. The state administration=20
of radio, film and television issued a notice=20
last week that seemed directly aimed at altering=20
the show's format, and possibly keeping it off=20
the air. The slightly rebellious nature of the=20
show, which showed participants in baggy jeans=20
singing with unusual emotion, crying on stage and=20
punching their fists in the air, may have gone too far.
(requires registration)

[SOURCE: Center for Democracy & Technology]
Large well-respected companies are helping to=20
fund the virulent spread of unwanted and=20
potentially harmful "adware" by paying for=20
advertisements generated by those programs, a new=20
report by CDT finds. In "Following the Money: How=20
Advertising Dollars Encourage Nuisance and=20
Harmful Adware and What Can be Done to Reverse=20
the Trend," CDT details how -- through a=20
complicated network of intermediaries -- major=20
advertisers pay to have their products and=20
services advertised though pop-ups and other ads=20
generated by unwanted advertising software or=20
"adware." The report dissects the financial=20
relationships behind those arrangements and=20
identifies a number of mainstream companies that=20
advertise through one particularly unscrupulous adware distributor.
CDT Adware Report:
Press Release:
* Advocacy group shames adware advertisers
* Report: Firms Fail to Police Adware
Communications-related Headlines is a free online=20
news summary service provided by the Benton=20
Foundation ( Posted Monday=20
through Friday, this service provides updates on=20
important industry developments, policy issues,=20
and other related news events. While the=20
summaries are factually accurate, their often=20
informal tone does not always represent the tone=20
of the original articles. Headlines are compiled=20
by Kevin Taglang headlines( at ) -- we welcome your comments.