Communications-related Headlines for 6/26/97

Supreme Court Rules CDA Unconstitutional

Justice Dept. Deals Setback To Ameritech In Michigan

Ameritech's Long-Distance Application Draws Rebuff From Justice Department

Wireless Bidders Ask to Restructure Debt

TV Ratings Talks Stall Over Threat of Hill Action

Non-Accounting Safeguards

Forum to Promote Standards for Telehealth Equipment
Supreme Court Rules CDA Unconstitutional see
"The (Communications Decency Act) is a content-based regulation of speech.
The vagueness of such a regulation raises special First Amendment concerns
because of its obvious chilling effect on free speech."
-- Justice John Paul Stevens, writing for the majority

Title: Justice Dept. Deals Setback To Ameritech In Michigan
Source: New York Times
Author: Mark Landler
Issue: Phone Regulation
Description: The Justice Department recommended that Baby Bell Ameritech not
be allowed to enter the long distance market in Michigan where it provides
local service. Although Joel Klein, chief of the antitrust division, said
that "local competition is beginning to take root in Michigan," the
recommendation to the Federal Communications Commission said that Ameritech
has failed to open its existing market. The FCC will make the final decision
on the matter by August 19.

Title: Ameritech's Long-Distance Application Draws Rebuff From Justice
Source: Wall Street Journal (B8)
Author: John R. Wilke
Issue: Phone Regulation
Description: The Justice Department told Chicago-based Ameritech
yesterday that it couldn't enter the long-distance market in Michigan
because it hasn't
sufficiently opened its local market to competition. This decision comes at
the same time Congress is battling with the Justice Department about how to
read the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Joel Klein is the acting head of
the anti-trust division of the Justice Department. Rep. Thomas Bliley
(R-VA) thinks that Klein, in an earlier decision, set "a lower threshold for
Bell entry into long distance than Congress intended." And Senator Bob
Kerrey (D-Neb) will prevent a vote on Klein to become the head of the
anti-trust decision unless Klein's position on long distance is made more

Title: Wireless Bidders Ask to Restructure Debt
Source: Wall Street Journal (A3)
Author: Bryan Gruley and Quentin Hardy
Issue: Spectrum
Description: Several wireless companies stated that they can't pay the
millions of dollars they bid to receive FCC spectrum licenses and may have
to default on their payments. The companies want the federal government to
restructure their debt by postponing any payments until 8 years from now or
cut the amount they owe in half. However the FCC decides to respond, it is
unlikely the government will collect the $10.2 billion dollars it
theoretically raised with the auctions.

Title: TV Ratings Talks Stall Over Threat of Hill Action
Source: Washington Post (E1)
Author: Paul Farhi
Issue: V-Chip
Description: Representatives from the TV industry and parent advocacy
groups (the PTA, the NEA, and the American Medical Association) have
stalemated in their efforts to revise the TV ratings system. The groups
have reached agreement on the basic ratings to be used. "Now, however, a
key side issue -- how long the industry will be exempt from federal
legislation that would force ratings changes -- is threatening to scuttle a
voluntary solution." The new ratings system would include the content
indicators S, V, L, D (for suggestive Dialogue) and FV (for fantasy violence
for the Y-7 category). TV and cable representatives want to be protected
from any legislation that would affect their industry for three years. The
parent groups are unwilling to agree to that.

At the FCC
FCC releases Second Order on Reconsideration on Implementation of the
Non-Accounting Safeguards of Sections 271 and 272 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as Amended (CC Docket No. 96-149, FCC 97-222).

Forum to Promote Standards for Telehealth Equipment to be Held July 17