Headlines is off to, like every year, go help the Macy's elves with clean-up. Hope you have a safe and happy break. We'll see you MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 2010
President Obama signs bill to fund government until March
Stormy 111th Congress was still the most productive in decades
Electronic info dominates George W. Bush's archive
McLaughlin, Obama's deputy CTO, leaves to launch start-ups
Coalition Cautions Against Action That Undermines Net Freedoms
CIA launches task force to assess impact of U.S. cables' exposure by WikiLeaks
NITRD Seeks Comment on Designing a Digital Future
Electronic info dominates George W. Bush's archive
New FCC rules take slow route on net neutrality
On the Waterfront With The FCC
Was It Google And Verizon Or The FCC That Just Screwed Us On Mobile Net Neutrality?
Network Neutrality Rules May Signal A Change in Wireless Pricing
Europe seen needing regulation on Internet access
Approval Talks Delay Comcast-NBC Deal
Comcast/NBCU: ACA Says Baseball-Style Arbitration Condition Is No Help
Will Google follow Microsoft in EU probe?
The Men and No Women of Web 2.0 Boards
2010: What a Difference a Year Makes in Broadcasting
Most US Households Now Have An HDTV
Big Cable Operators Deployed Just 5,000 Standalone CableCards In Last Three Months
FCC Reverses Decision On MASN's Time Warner Cable Complaint
Cable TV's ratings put networks on notice
How Uncle Sam invented television
Over half of late-20s crowd own cell phones only
Computers That Trade on the News
Newspapers Top Broadcasters In Web Video Streaming
Internet Marketing Predictions for 2011
Electronic info dominates George W. Bush's archive
FTC’s New Chief Technologist Lays Out The Limits Of ‘Do Not Track’
US responds to EU comments on data protection
Lawmakers say cybersecurity is a top priority in 2011
Critical Infrastructure Protection Month
State Department Creates Cyber Coordinator Post
Politics goes mobile
Is Your Internet Disaster Plan in Place?
[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: David Fahrenthold, Philip Rucker, Felicia Sonmez]
The House and Senate adjourned for the year on Wednesday evening, closing a two-year term that holds the odd distinction of being both historically busy and epically unpopular. A Congress that was dominated by Democrats passed more landmark legislation than any since the era of Lyndon B. Johnson's "Great Society." Congress approved an $814 billion economic stimulus, a massive health-care overhaul, and new regulations on Wall Street trading and consumer credit cards. The list grew longer during this month's frenetic lame-duck session: tax cuts, a nuclear arms treaty and a repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military. But the 111th Congress will also be remembered for endless filibuster threats, volcanic town hall meetings, and the rise of the tea party. All were symbols of a dissatisfaction that peaked on Nov. 2, with a Republican rout in the midterm elections. | Washington Post
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[SOURCE: Associated Press, AUTHOR: Jamie Stengle]
Archivists responsible for putting together the presidential library of former President George W. Bush are tasked with processing 80 terabytes of electronic information - 20 times the Clinton administration's four terabytes. Bush's electronic archives contain more than 200 million e-mails, compared with about 20 million in former President Bill Clinton's. Bush's archives also include share drives, hard drives, scheduling systems and digital photography, which his administration switched to about halfway through his tenure. The average size of a quality digital photo is about three megabytes, meaning just one terabyte can store more than 300,000 such pictures. The Bush administration e-mails alone would take up an estimated 600 million printed pages, said Alan Lowe, director of Bush's presidential library and museum. Combined with 70 million paper documents, the haul far eclipses the 550 to 580 million printed pages Lowe estimates are in all other National Archives' presidential libraries. | Associated Press
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[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Cecilia Kang]
Andrew McLaughlin, the nation's deputy chief technology officer, said Wednesday he is resigning his post to launch two start-ups aimed at technology development in communities in the United States and abroad. McLaughlin, who previously worked as a Google executive, oversaw many of the White House's Internet policy initiatives including Internet access regulations, the expansion of broadband connections and global cybersecurity. He said was ready to rejoin the private sector after two years in the White House. He will remain in Washington as he launches his start-up ventures. His last day at the White House is Thursday. McLaughlin gained special scrutiny from Rep Darryl Issa (R-CA) and some privacy advocates critical of the search giant after it was discovered he corresponded by e-mail to Google employees, which breaks his ethics pledge. | Washington Post
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[SOURCE: National Journal, AUTHOR: Juliana Gruenwald]
A coalition of public interest, privacy and civil liberties groups released an open letter to the Obama Administration and lawmakers urging them not to push legislation that might weaken free expression or hamper online freedoms in response to the release of classified documents by WikiLeaks. In the letter, the groups noted that some critics of the whistleblower website have suggested that the Espionage Act be extended to WikiLeaks for releasing sensitive government documents to the public, which most recently included a batch of U.S. diplomatic cables. "We urge caution against any legislation that could weaken the principles of free expression vital to a democratic society or hamper online freedoms," according to the letter signed by the American Civil Liberties Union, American Library Association, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Center for Democracy and Technology and others. | National Journal
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[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Greg Miller]
The Central intelligence Agency (CIA) has launched a task force to assess the impact of the exposure of thousands of US diplomatic cables and military files by WikiLeaks. Officially, the panel is called the WikiLeaks Task Force. But at CIA headquarters, it's mainly known by its all-too-apt acronym: WTF. The irreverence is perhaps understandable for an agency that has been relatively unscathed by WikiLeaks. Only a handful of CIA files have surfaced on the WikiLeaks Web site, and records from other agencies posted online reveal remarkably little about CIA employees or operations. Even so, CIA officials said the agency is conducting an extensive inventory of the classified information, which is routinely distributed on a dozen or more networks that connect agency employees around the world. And the task force is focused on the immediate impact of the most recently released files. One issue is whether the agency's ability to recruit informants could be damaged by declining confidence in the U.S. government's ability to keep secrets. | Washington Post
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[SOURCE: San Francisco Chronicle, AUTHOR: Editorial staff]
This has been a big week for the Internet - and we're not talking about online shopping. After years of agitation from public interest groups, companies that build Web applications (including Google, Netflix and Skype), and Internet service providers, the Federal Communications Commission has approved rules designed to preserve open traffic flow online. "Net neutrality" is an effort to ensure that the public has open access to websites and services. The FCC's new guidelines will shape the Web for years, and maybe decades, to come. As such, the FCC took the mildest possible approach to regulation. The order instructs network carriers (such as Comcast) not to block any sites, applications or devices, even if such content is in direct economic competition with the network carrier. But the carriers are allowed to experiment with measures like differential pricing for content providers that have heavy usage, or controls on the traffic of said content providers. There's also an enormous loophole for carriers to tinker with access to mobile Internet services, which are newer, more competitive, and projected for huge growth. No one is happy with the new guidelines. | San Francisco Chronicle | Huffington Post
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[SOURCE: Public Knowledge, AUTHOR: Art Brodsky]
[Commentary] For all the sturm und drang surrounding the Federal Communications Commission’s actions on network neutrality they could end up being toothless. For all of the overheated rhetoric about a “government takeover” of the Internet, and for all of the news stories about regulating Internet traffic, the situation at the end of the day is much less clear. There is much less than meets the eye. That’s because of the dichotomy of what is a rule, and what is a discussion of a rule. For example, if the FCC had said, it is a violation of our rules to offer a “pay for priority” service or to offer “specialized” services outside of the Internet that might siphon off bandwidth from the Internet everyone uses. At that point, carriers would know what is allowed and what is not. They could challenge it, of course, but the rule would be clear. That’s not what the FCC did. Instead, the text of the FCC order as part of the discussion of Net Neutrality simply says, in essence, “We don't think pay for priority is a good idea,” and might be considered “unreasonable discrimination.” Is that informal opinion that’s not a part of the central rule enforceable? If you think that’s a court case waiting to happen, you’re right. If it was that important, why didn't the FCC simply ban the practice? Because of loopholes like this, the future of any number of companies that exist now is in jeopardy because the rules will allow giant telephone and cable companies to create their own version of the same service as one that already exists, to offer it on different terms and conditions that would put a competitor at a disadvantage say a better video streaming experience that the in-house service can get but which others don't have. | Public Knowledge
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[SOURCE: TechCrunch, AUTHOR: MG Siegler]
In the Federal Communications Commission's release about the network neutrality order adopted Dec 21 is a section on Measured Steps for Mobile Broadband. It reads, in part, "Further, we recognize that there have been meaningful recent moves toward openness, including the introduction of open operating systems like Android. In addition, we anticipate soon seeing the effects on the market of the openness conditions we imposed on mobile providers that operate on upper 700 MHz C-Block spectrum, which includes Verizon Wireless, one of the largest mobile wireless carriers in the US. In light of these considerations, we conclude it is appropriate to take measured steps at this time to protect the openness of the Internet when accessed through mobile broadband." The entire section reads much like the joint network neutrality proposal offered by Google and Verizon. But what the hell does an open operating system have anything to do with network access? | TechCrunch
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[SOURCE: GigaOm, AUTHOR: Stacey Higginbotham]
[Commentary] The Federal Communications Commission implementation of rules around network neutrality may open up a change in the way carriers price mobile broadband -- and it’s not going to get cheaper. For U.S. operators the question of whether or not charging someone for a Facebook plan, or for prioritized access to online video would run afoul of FCC regulations was always an issue. So while I don't expect Verizon to change its pricing tomorrow, the fact that there are a set of rules out (or almost out since the full text of the order still isn't available) will make it far easier for operators to plan for pricing changes that won't run afoul of the FCC or will intentionally run afoul of the FCC in order to test its authority. | GigaOm
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[SOURCE: Reuters, AUTHOR: David Hulmes, David Cowell]
Europe's confidence that it need not follow the United States in adopting rules to ensure fair Internet access may be short-lived, as competition between mobile operators and service providers like Skype intensifies. A debate over network neutrality -- the principle that all Internet traffic be treated equally -- has been heating up in the United States for years but has so far generated little public concern in Europe. At stake is the ability of Internet service providers (ISPs) to ration access to their networks, allowing them to manage congestion but running the risk they will favor their own services or those who pay more, restricting consumer choice. In Europe, telecoms operators such as Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom or Telefonica -- former state monopolies which typically have close relationships with national governments -- still have the upper hand. The European Commission has so far refrained from legislating to avert a looming conflict with the likes of Skype, Google or Facebook, which offer virtually free voice communications and messaging, striking at the heart of the carriers' business. But Internet service providers (ISPs) -- mainly telcos in Europe -- already actively manage traffic to make it more efficient, and the potential to do more to protect their own services or earn extra revenues may be too much to resist. | Reuters
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[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: Bill Carter, Brian Stelter]
The long-awaited completion of the takeover of NBC Universal by Comcast will have to wait until 2011. NBC Universal CEO Jeffrey Zucker sent a memo to staff members Dec 22 explaining that regulatory approval of the deal, under which Comcast will acquire 51 percent of NBC Universal from the General Electric Company, will not be finalized by the end of December, as Comcast executives had hoped. The delays have to do with some lingering issues involving what concessions Comcast will be asked to accept in order to win acceptance by the Department of Justice and the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC is preparing to circulate its order for the deal, perhaps as early as Dec 23. The order will include unspecified conditions to protect against consumer harm. Regulatory approval could come in early January. | New York Times | National Journal | | WashPost
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[SOURCE: Multichannel News, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
Amid talk at the Federal Communications Commission that Chairman Julius Genachowski could be circulating the Comcast/NBCU decision -- approval with conditions -- to the other commissioners as early as Dec 22, the American Cable Association was pushing against what it understands to be one of the conditions -- baseball-style arbitration -- that the cable group says does not help its members. In an ex parte filing on a Dec 20 meeting with John Flynn, senior counsel to the chairman for transactions, ACA executives said they understood the FCC was proposing requiring outside arbitration on programming disputes, but one that would not make it a "usable remedy" for smaller operators. ACA said its understanding was that Comcast-NBCU would be required by the FCC to reimburse smaller MVPDs for arbitration fees if Comcast lost, but not if it won. In any event, ACA has argued that baseball-style arbitration does not help its members, who are smaller and mid-sized operators without the deep pockets of the larger players. | Multichannel News
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[SOURCE: Reuters, AUTHOR: Alexei Oreskovic, Foo Yun Chee]
Google's Internet search algorithm is the technology world's equivalent of the Coca-Cola formula: a top-secret corporate crown jewel. But pressure is growing on Google to lift the veil on some of its inner workings as European regulators investigate complaints that Google's search engine unfairly discriminates against certain websites. The case underscores the increased scrutiny over Google's influence in the Internet industry and could set the stage for the kind of long-running regulatory battle fought in the past by technology giants like Microsoft. Odds are that the world's No. 1 search engine will seek to keep prying eyes -- even those of the European Commission, known in many circles globally as the toughest watchdog -- away from the ranking algorithms that are the core of its business. | Reuters
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[SOURCE: TVNewsCheck, AUTHOR: Harry Jessell, Mark Miller]
Coming into 2010, broadcasters were expecting a flood of political advertising dollars to fill coffers depleted by two years of recession. They were not disappointed. Candidates, parties and others attempting to influence elections, congressional votes and ballot initiatives spent some $3 billion on advertising this year, and most of that, perhaps $2.4 billion, went directly to TV stations, still seen as the best way by far to target likely voters, according to political ad tracker Evan Tracey. So fast did the dollars come, that stations' biggest challenge was managing regular advertisers who were being pushed aside of the campaigners. The political money, along with the return of auto advertising, which had practically disappeared in 2009, fattened the top and bottom lines of most full-service stations and took some of the pressure off the cost lines. | TVNewsCheck
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[SOURCE: Multichannel News, AUTHOR: Todd Spangler]
The 10 largest US cable operators have deployed only 536,000 standalone CableCards to date -- and only 5,000 in the last three months -- compared with more than 25 million CableCard-enabled set-tops since July 2007, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association said in a filing with the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC has acknowledged the CableCard rule, which forces cable operators to use the cards in their own set-tops, hasn't achieved the aim of fostering a competitive market in cable TV navigation devices at retail. In October, the agency voted unanimously to change the CableCard rules in the hopes of improving their adoption, including requiring the option of consumer self-installation of the cards and giving consumers information on the cost of retail vs. leased boxes. | Multichannel News
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[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
The Federal Communications Commission has reversed a two-year-old bureau-level decision and concluded that Time Warner Cable (TWC ) did not discriminate against MASN (Mid-Atlantic Sports Network), which means the cable operator won't have to deliver the network and its Washington Nationals and Baltimore Orioles games to its subs in North Carolina. That comes over two years after Time Warner challenged an FCC Media Bureau decision to uphold an outside arbiter's finding that Time Warner Cable had discriminated against the regional sports net by not agreeing to carry it on a widely viewed analog tier. | Broadcasting&Cable
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[SOURCE: ars technica, AUTHOR: Matthew Lasar]
The first in a four part series exploring the major transition that television is currently undergoing. Broadcast TV station owners can sit on their licenses and discuss "current marketplace realities" with the Federal Communications Commission because, seventy years ago, Congress created that marketplace for them. To be sure, the United States didn't "invent" TV itself. That honor goes to John Logie Baird, Philo Farnsworth, and Vladimir Zworykin, among other innovators. But the government literally created the business model and framework in which broadcast TV flourished. In fact, for a crucial period of time, politicians protected over-the-air broadcasters from other business models, most notably the telephone company and cable TV. Now, regulators face the challenge of uninventing that framework. Here's a history of what they built -- the story of the government invention of television up to the present, one that begins even before television really got underway. | Ars Technica
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[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: Graham Bowley]
The number-crunchers on Wall Street are starting to crunch something else: the news. Math-loving traders are using powerful computers to speed-read news reports, editorials, company Web sites, blog posts and even Twitter messages — and then letting the machines decide what it all means for the markets. The development goes far beyond standard digital fare like most-read and e-mailed lists. In some cases, the computers are actually parsing writers’ words, sentence structure, even the odd emoticon. A wink and a smile — ;) — for instance, just might mean things are looking up for the markets. Then, often without human intervention, the programs are interpreting that news and trading on it. Given the volatility in the markets and concern that computerized trading exaggerates the ups and downs, the notion that Wall Street is engineering news-bots might sound like an investor’s nightmare. But the development, years in the making, is part of the technological revolution that is reshaping Wall Street. In a business where information is the most valuable commodity, traders with the smartest, fastest computers can outfox and outmaneuver rivals. | New York Times
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[SOURCE: C-Net|, AUTHOR: Lance Whitney]
Fifty-one percent of 25- to 29-year-olds live in households that have kicked the landline habit, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That is the first time that wireless-only households have surpassed landline households among any age group, according to the CDC's report released yesterday. The report, which surveyed 17,619 households over the six months that ended in June, also showed a 2 point rise of cell-phone-only households among late-twentysomethings compared with the previous six months. Looking at other age groups, around 40 percent of people 18 to 24 and 30 to 34 live in cell phone-only households. After the age of 35, that figures drops off until age 65 when only 5 percent of the people are in households with cell phones only. Meanwhile, almost 40 percent of households with children under 3 rely on cell phones alone. Overall, the CDC found that 26 percent of U.S. homes used only wireless phones, while another 16 percent received all or almost all their calls on a cell phone even though they still have landlines. | C-Net| | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Hayley Tsukayama]
William Kennard, US Ambassador to the European Union, responded to an EU official's comments that the United States did not seem ready to move forward on a data protection agreement with the EU. According to an article from Information Age, Kennard told reporters in Brussels Dec 20 that he disagrees with European commissioner for justice and fundamental rights Viviane Reding's criticism that while the U.S. is interested in negotiating individual data sharing agreements with the EU, it's dragging its heels on data protection. The ambassador and former FCC chairman rejected that idea, telling reporters, “I disagree -- we're moving ahead.” | Washington Post
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[SOURCE: nextgov, AUTHOR: Aliya Sternstein]
Cybersecurity will be a top priority for the Republican-led House in 2011, but it is unknown when Congress will act on legislation to revamp an outdated federal cyber law, say aides to incoming GOP leaders. Details likely will emerge when Rep Mac Thornberry (R-TX), the new vice chairman of the Armed Services Committee, speaks early in the next Congress about defending cyberspace, say information security experts. On Dec. 15, Speaker-designate John Boehner (R-OH) tapped Rep Thornberry "to lead an initiative on cybersecurity that cuts across committee lines." Thornberry aides declined to comment on his agenda this week. | nextgov
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[SOURCE: Federal Communications Commission, AUTHOR: Jamie Barnett]
On December 3 of this year, the President issued a Proclamation that December is Critical Infrastructure Protection Month. In the Proclamation, President Barack Obama said, "[M]y Administration is committed to delivering the necessary information, tools, and resources to areas where critical infrastructure exists in order to maintain and enhance its security and resilience." This effort is a central focus for the Commission’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. The Bureau’s mission is to ensure public safety and homeland security by advancing state-of-the-art communications that are accessible, reliable, resilient, and secure, in coordination with public and private partners. As part of the nation’s national security protection programs, the Bureau is a key contributor in protecting communications facilities that are a critical component of the nation’s infrastructure. There are several critical infrastructure sectors and each sector has an Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC). As part of our responsibilities in critical infrastructure protection, we support the Communications ISAC by providing subject matter expert liaison staff. The mission of the Communications ISAC is to facilitate voluntary collaboration and information sharing among government and industry in support of Executive Order 12472 and the national critical infrastructure protection goals of Presidential Decision Directive 63. The intent is to gather information on vulnerabilities, threats, intrusions, and anomalies from multiple sources in order to perform analysis with the goal of averting or mitigating impact upon the telecommunications infrastructure. | Federal Communications Commission
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[SOURCE: Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, AUTHOR: Aaron Smith, Lee Rainie]
More than a quarter of American adults – 26% – used their cell phones to learn about or participate in the 2010 mid-term election campaign. In a post-election nationwide survey of adults, the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project found that 82% of adults have cell phones. Of those cell owners, 71% use their phone for texting and 39% use the phone for accessing the Internet. With that as context, the Pew Internet survey found that:
14% of all American adults used their cell phones to tell others that they had voted.
12% of adults used their cell phones to keep up with news about the election or politics.
10% of adults sent text messages relating to the election to friends, family members and others.
6% of adults used their cells to let others know about conditions at their local voting stations on election day, including insights about delays, long lines, low turnout, or other issues.
4% of adults used their phones to monitor results of the election as they occurred.
3% of adults used their cells to shoot and share photos or videos related to the election.
1% of adults used a cell-phone app that provided updates from a candidate or group about election news.
1% of adults contributed money by text message to a candidate or group connected to the election like a party or interest group. | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project | MediaPost | Associated Press | San Francisco Chronicle
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[SOURCE: GigaOm, AUTHOR: Ryan Kim]
[Commentary] On Dec 22, both Skype and Twitter were down for periods of time. The incidents may be unrelated, but they highlight our growing reliance on web communication tools to keep in touch. As we move our exchanges to the cloud, we are increasingly vulnerable to these kinds of outages. The lesson here isn't that we should abandon online communications tools. Those are here to stay. We need to just keep our options open and be prepared to roll with the punches. Outages are going to be with us for many years to come, especially as these services scale up. The key thing is to have multiple channels ready if and when the next Skypefail or Twitter outage occurs. Think of it like an emergency back-up plan, much like families have rally points to meet up in case of disaster. For example: Meet on Twitter if Gmail fails. It may sound extreme, but with more and more companies and start-ups relying on these tools, it doesn't hurt to prepare for the worst. | GigaOm
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... and to all a good-night!