<p>Benton believes that our democracy is enhanced by a rich and inclusive media system that values the voices of all communities. To that end, we’ve supported research that gives us a sense of the health and well-being of public service media.</p>
<p>In April 2011, we released the results of a <a href="/sites/benton.org/files/2011%20PEG%20Access%20study.pdf">study</a> administered by the Alliance for Communications Democracy on the current state of PEG access channels. Public access channels in our communities can provide hyper-local news and public affairs programming, a kind of narrowcasting that can help us make informed decisions about our neighborhoods. The study shows that far too many PEG channels are closing or under-funded.</p>
<p>Benton also funded the pilot phase of the <a href="http://communitymediadatabase.org/">Community Media Database</a>, developed during the months of February through May, 2011. This project is intended to collaboratively collect and freely present information about community media providers in the United States. Presently it contains initial information on over 2,000 community access television providers and over 800 Low Power FM radio stations.</p>
<p>For more information on Benton’s history in Public Service Media, <a href="/initiatives/public_service_media">click here</a>.</p>
Public Service Media (disabled)