SHLB Coalition Pleased with the Obama Administration’s Call for
Greater Broadband Investment for Schools and Libraries
In last night’s State of the Union address, President Obama announced that, with the help of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Apple, Microsoft, Verizon and Sprint, he has a “down payment to start connecting more than 15,000 schools and twenty million students [to high-speed broadband] over the next two years.” FCC Chairman Wheeler followed the speech by saying, “[b]y applying business-like management practices to E-Rate, we can take steps this year that will make existing funds go farther to significantly increase our investment in high-speed broadband connectivity for schools and libraries for the benefit of our students and teachers.”
The following statement concerning these announcements can be attributed to the Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition (pronounced “SHELL-bee Coalition”):
“The SHLB Coalition is very pleased that the Obama Administration has pledged to invest in high-speed broadband for schools and libraries. The SHLB Coalition was formed almost five years ago to promote investments in open, affordable high-speed broadband connectivity to community anchor institutions. The Internet is fast becoming the primary distribution medium for education, for research, for health services, for job training, for free expression and the free flow of information. Many residential consumers still do not have access to broadband or the skills to use the Internet, and they rely on community anchor institutions to provide computers, Internet access, training, and services that will improve their quality of life. Unfortunately, many anchor institutions are finding it difficult to obtain the affordable, high-capacity broadband connections they need to help their students and patrons obtain Internet access and develop the high-technology skills that are needed to be full participants in the modern work-force.
Anchor institutions are equivalent to the “third leg of the stool” for a healthy and economically vibrant community. Schools, libraries, health care providers, community colleges, community centers, and public media all across America, especially in rural areas, need super-fast broadband connections so that ALL members of the general public can participate in the 21st century economy. We especially appreciate FCC Chairman Wheeler’s recognition that the E-rate program includes libraries as well as schools, and we look forward to continuing to work with the Obama Administration as it moves forward to modernize the E-rate program.”
The SHLB Coalition is a broad-based coalition of non-profit and for-profit organizations that share the goal of providing anchor institutions and their communities with open, affordable, high-capacity broadband. Enhancing the broadband capabilities of community anchor institutions promotes economic growth and enables the most vulnerable segments of our population to be equal participants in the 21st century society and economy.
For further information, please contact, John Windhausen, Executive Director of the SHLB Coalition, at (202) 256-9616 or, or visit us at
Benton is a member of the Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition.