Press Release

FCC Chairman Pai Announces Sullivan To Serve As Chief Of International Bureau

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced that the agency has chosen Tom Sullivan to serve as chief of the FCC’s International Bureau, continuing the work he has been doing as acting chief.

Prior to his appointment to acting chief, Sullivan was an associate bureau chief and the chief of staff for the bureau he now leads. He has served in a variety of positions within the International Bureau and the FCC’s Office of Managing Director. He joined the Commission in 1991 after receiving his Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the University of Michigan. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Political Science from the University of Michigan in 1990.

Rep Pelosi Sends Letter to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Opposing Proposal to Unravel Net Neutrality

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) sent a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai opposing the FCC’s proposal to reclassify broadband as a service under Title I of the Communications Act. Minority Leader Pelosi also requested a public hearing in San Francisco (CA) on the FCC’s harmful plan to dismantle consumer protections on the internet.

“Consumers should be able to use the internet on the device they want, using the apps and services they want without their internet provider standing in the way. I support the current rules because they are in place to protect consumers, and I oppose your efforts to eliminate them,” she wrote. "I was...dismayed to learn you are likely to disregard the millions of public comments filed in the record. The Administrative Procedures Act prohibits the FCC from disregarding comments. You have made confusing statements that you will both give less weight to comments that are not of sufficient quality, and that you will err on the side of including suspicious comments in the agency’s deliberation, even when dozens among a particular batch of comments have sworn that their name and address were used fraudulently. I therefore ask that you clarify your policy on how the agency will consider comments in the record. Finally, if you believe that online public comments are coming from 'astroturf' sources and are of questionable integrity, then you must hear directly from the public in official hearings outside of Washington, DC. "

Ensuring a Future for Detecting Internet Disruptions

Today, two-thirds of the world’s internet users live in countries where content that challenges political regimes, social conventions, or national security is subject to censorship. Over time, internet censorship has expanded from restricting access to IP addresses and domain names for websites, to blocking applications and persecuting users for their online activities.

Nonprofit Coalition Letter Urges FCC to Reject Cellular Industry Effort to Upend Historic Spectrum Sharing Framework

A broad-based coalition of nonprofit groups [including the Benton Foundation] filed a letter calling on the Federal Communications Commission to reject a proposal from the cellular industry, filed by CTIA on June 16, to re-open and revise the rules finalized more than a year ago for a new Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) that opens a large frequency band of unused Navy spectrum for small area, high-capacity broadband innovation. The coalition represents consumers, public institutions and small business users of broadband, and includes the Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition, Next Century Cities, Engine, the R Street Institute, the American Library Association and the National Hispanic Media Coalition. The coalition asks the FCC to instead move rapidly to complete implementation of this historic innovation in spectrum policy, which opens unused military spectrum for sharing with Priority Access Licenses that are available for small areas (census tracts) and short terms, thereby making them more useful and affordable to smaller operators and to venues for indoor use.

Philip Verveer, Former FCC Senior Counsel and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Joins Venable's Regulatory Practice in Washington

Venable LLP announced that Philip L. Verveer has joined the firm's Regulatory practice as senior counsel in Washington (DC) where he will focus on antitrust and domestic and international communications law and policy. Most recently, Verveer served in two separate capacities during the Obama Administration, as Senior Counselor to the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission from 2013 to 2017 and as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and US Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy, with ambassadorial rank, from 2009 to 2013. Verveer earned his JD from the University of Chicago Law School and his BSFS from Georgetown University. He also served in the US Army as a captain in military intelligence.

A New Court Ruling Harms Prisoners Nationwide -- Including My Cousin

[Commentary] My cousin Charlie is serving time in an upstate New York prison. On June 13, a federal appeals court struck down several provisions in the Federal Communications Commission’s recent decisions to cap the cost of prison- and jail-phone calls. This ruling is a real blow to my family and many others like mine across the country. It’s also a huge step backward.

In late 2015, the FCC voted to reduce the steep cost of prison-phone calls charged to incarcerated people and their families. Many inmates and their families had spent years fighting to cap these calls, which can run to more than a dollar per minute. When the FCC voted to implement the caps I felt a sense of relief knowing that Charlie would be able to afford to call my grandmother on a more regular basis without worrying that he’d deplete his commissary on just phone calls. But soon after these rules were adopted the prison-phone industry sued the agency. In February 2017, Donald Trump’s newly appointed FCC chairman, Ajit Pai, said the agency’s lawyers wouldn’t defend key aspects of these rules in court — paving the way for Tuesday’s decision.

FCC Chairman Pai Picks Stockdale To Lead Wireless Telecommunications Bureau

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced that he intends to appoint Donald Stockdale to serve as chief of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.

Stockdale is an economist and attorney with extensive FCC and private-sector experience. Stockdale will be working closely with Nese Guendelsberger who, having served as acting bureau chief, will continue to help lead the Bureau as senior deputy bureau chief. Meanwhile, Chairman Pai intends to appoint James Schlichting, who currently serves as senior deputy bureau chief in the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, to the same position in the International Bureau. Stockdale rejoins the Commission from Bates White Economic Consulting where he has been a partner. Prior to that, he worked on telecom regulatory and antitrust issues as a partner at Mayer Brown LLP. Mr. Stockdale first joined the FCC’s then-Common Carrier Bureau (now the Wireline Competition Bureau) in 1994 as an attorney advisor and later as deputy division chief and associate bureau chief for economics. He later served as director of research in the Office of Policy and Planning and finally as deputy bureau chief and chief economist for the Wireline Competition Bureau until he left the agency in 2011. He earned his doctorate in economics and
law degree from Yale University and bachelors degrees from Cambridge University and Yale.

Meet the New OTI Staff, Summer Interns, and Fellows

The Open Technology Institute team is expanding!

Rachel Adler is an intern working on internet security issues who just finished her junior year at Princeton University. Andres Bascumbe is the program manager of TechCongress. Taliesin Gabriel is working on open internet issues. Jo Johnson is the new operations and communications associate with OTI, after interning with New America's central communications department for the past five months. Michael Lahanas, our summer communications intern, is a rising junior, political science major at Kenyon College, with a strong interest in the intersection of politics and tech. Mia Little is a rising 3L at the Washington College of Law at American University, and she's currently working in OTI as a Google Public Policy Fellow. Andrew Manley, working on open internet issues this summer, is a rising third year law student at the University of Colorado. Amir Nasr is a program associate working on broadband policies including net neutrality, municipal broadband and broadband deployment as well as wireless policy such as increasing the availability of unlicensed spectrum. Paul St. Clair, interning with Wireless Future, is a rising 2L at the Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law. Joseph Jai-sung Yoo, Ranking Digital Rights' Annenberg Fellow, is a Ph.D candidate in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin.

Benton Welcomes Rosenworcel Renomination

Benton is happy to hear that Jessica Rosenworcel could return to the Federal Communications Commission. As a commissioner, Rosenworcel was a leader on a number of issues. She worked to give new meaning to the FCC’s public safety mandate in the Digital Age. She helped modernize the E-rate program to ensure that all students have access to the latest education tools made possible by fast, affordable broadband. She recognized that those students also need reliable, robust broadband access at home so they can complete school assignments. Rosenworcel’s experience and leadership make her an ideal candidate to help shape the future of telecommunication policy.

Anxiety of the Capitol Hill Press Mob

[Commentary] On June 12 I was speaking to a veteran Senate reporter about the increasing number of journalists flooding the halls of the Capitol. This reporter felt that the crowd size would “inevitably” lead to the end of the open press access the media has long enjoyed. This reporter was not the first that I’d heard that from. It was not the first time that I’d thought about it, either.

There’s a vague sense among many members of the Capitol Hill press corps that some sort of crackdown is coming and that the incredible access to national lawmakers that reporters enjoy could be curtailed. If senators truly are concerned about the size of reporter mobs and their safety, they could be more forthcoming with information about, say, their health care bill, perhaps with regular press conferences. Reporters wouldn’t have to be quite so creative in their methods, then.