Is “Big Tech” Now Synonymous With Big Oil or Big Tobacco?

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

Wednesday, December 12, 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm

For nearly half a century, leaders of the technology industry have been seen as visionary, passionate, and committed to building a better, smarter world. But public perceptions today are shifting—at least, elite opinion is—and the tech industry is suddenly on the defensive when it comes to issues ranging from data privacy to income equity, workplace diversity, antitrust enforcement, cultural biases, regulation, and more. To what extent are these criticisms fair or overblown? Is this just a passing phase, or a sign of a more fundamental shift? Complaints and scrutiny of industries such as oil, banking, airlines, and others have become routine. Does the tech world now face a similar future? And if it does, then what does it portend for tech and innovation policy in the United States and around the world?

An in-depth discussion of these critical issues, including an assessment of the validity of commonly voiced concerns and what the industry needs to do to avoid becoming the next Big Oil. David Moschella, a research fellow with the Leading Edge Forum, will open the discussion by presenting a new paper titled "Defending digital: Resist the tech backlash before it’s too late"

This event will be live streamed here.

Follow @ITIFdc and join the discussion on Twitter with the hashtag #ITIFbigtech.

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF)
1001 K Street Suite 610A
Washington DC 20005