BEAD Program Letters of Intent Due

National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Monday, July 18, 2022 - 11:59pm
Time Zone 
Virtual Event

Congress has set up a three-step process for states to receive their infrastructure money: submitting and gaining approval for 1) a letter of intent, 2) an initial proposal, and 3) a final proposal (collectively, a “covered application”). Letters of intent must include:

A statement that the Eligible Entity intends to participate in the Program;

Identification of the agency, department, or office that will serve as the recipient of, and administering agent for, any BEAD Program award for the Eligible Entity and the main point of contact at that agency, department, or office for the purposes of the BEAD Program;

If the Eligible Entity so chooses, a request to access not more than $5,000,000 (States) or not more than $1,250,000 (Territories) for initial planning activities (the “Initial Planning Funds”). [The Eligible Entity may instead submit a request for Initial Planning Funds and associated documentation at a later date. All requests and required documentation for Initial Planning Funds must, however, be submitted through the application portal by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on August 15, 2022.]