Becoming Broadband Ready

Next Century Cities

Wednesday, January 16, 2019 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm


Mayors and community leaders across the country are looking for solutions to connect residents to fast, affordable, and reliable internet access. Becoming Broadband Ready was developed to be a first-stop resource for these leaders, and features best practices and strategies from a diverse array of successful projects.

1:00 Welcome

  • Deb Socia: Executive Director, Next Century Cities
  • Garrett Brinker: Director of Business Development, Neighborly
  • Mark Buell: Chief of the North American Regional Bureau, the Internet Society

1:15 Overview of Becoming Broadband Ready

  • Cat Blake: Policy and Program Manager, Next Century Cities

1:30 Community Leaders’ Panel

  • Dr. Robert Wack: City Council President, Westminster, Maryland
  • Don Patten: General Manager, MINET
  • McClain Bryant Macklin: Director of Policy, Office of Mayor Sly James, Kansas City, Missouri

Moderator - Christopher Mitchell: Director of the Community Broadband Networks Initiative, Institute of Local Self Reliance & Policy Director, Next Century Cities

2:30 Closing

Brookings Institution
1775 Massachusetts Ave, NW Falk Auditorium
Washington , DC 20036