Building Smart Cities and Communities at the Regional Level

National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Department of Commerce

Wednesday, June 19, 2019 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Regional teams that span jurisdictions and disciplines are working together on projects to address issues that impact an entire region such as economic development, resiliency, health, public safety, connectivity, agriculture, mobility, and more. Join BroadbandUSA to learn about these efforts and others that cross jurisdictional boundaries to create efficiencies, improve sustainability, and increase the quality of life for all residents.


  • Maci Morin, Program Coordinator, National Association of Regional Councils
  • Danielle Hughes, Capital Program Manager, Tahoe Transportation District
  • Karl D. Darin, VP & Program Lead, Smart Region Movement, Greater Washington Board of Trade


  • Jean Rice, Senior Broadband Program Analyst, BroadbandUSA, NTIA