Citizen Journalism

Alliance for Community Media
Tuesday, March 2nd at 1 PM EST

The Alliance for Community Media is sponsoring a 90-minute webinar on , Tuesday, March 2nd at 1 PM EST for the irresistibly low member cost of $10. Sign up today and pass this on to others who would benefit.

A number of community media centers are participating in exciting new collaborations with local organizations, neighborhood activists, schools, and media outlets to create online, hyperlocal, citizen-journalism sites.

Learn how citizen-journalism projects have been set up by Cambridge Community TV and Grand Rapids Community Media Center. Get an overview of 56 different projects nationwide that have been funded by J-Lab, The Institute for Interactive Journalism. Hear an editor's point of view when it comes to generating credible and competent content from local residents for the Twin Cities Daily Planet. Pose questions to our four distinguished panelists to understand the rewards and challenges of these innovative projects that are using digital technologies to generate civic awareness and participation even as traditional journalism institutions are facing their greatest challenges to sustainability.

Registration Information:

Webinar: Tuesday, March 2nd, 1 PM EST

Cost: ACM Members: $10 Non-members: $15

Registration link:

After registration, you will receive a URL, a telephone number, and an access code for participation.

This webinar and others to follow in the coming months are made possible by a grant to the ACM from the Surdna Foundation. In addition to the webinars, Surdna has supported the creation of the Community Media 2.0 blog site, featuring interviews with PEG practitioners discussing their best practices.