Digital Equity - The Politics of Fiber

Fiber Broadband Association

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 10:00am
Time Zone: 
Virtual Event

Hear from a lead advocate from the state of California on their effort to get the 5th largest economy in the world to adopt a fiber standard in its broadband infrastructure policy. In 2016, the state established a broadband goal of delivering 10/1 mbps Internet access to 98% of its population and have since undergone a dramatic rethinking of its policy approach to include municipal open access fiber networks through bond financing, a broadband plan focused on scalable infrastructure, and several multi-billion dollar proposals focused on fiber at its core. Learn about the setbacks, the progress, the nature of the opposition, and what has proven successful in getting policymakers to recognize the need to consider future proofing in infrastructure investments. 


  • Ernesto Falcon - Senior Legislative Counsel, Electronic Frontier Foundation