DNC Policy Forum: How the Next Administration Can Foster Innovation, Boost Productivity, and Increase U.S. Competitiveness
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
No matter who wins the 2016 election, the next president and Congress will face difficult economic and innovation policy challenges, ranging from stagnant productivity growth, to questions about government limitations on encryption, to building a workforce with the skills needed in the modern economy. Join ITIF for a panel discussion at the Democratic National Convention featuring business leaders and Members of Congress to explore ways the 45th president and 115th Congress can work together to shape policies to foster innovation, boost productivity, and make the United States more competitive in the global economy.
The event is free and open to the public. A recording will be available following the event. Follow @ITIFdc during the event, and join the conversation using #ITIFDNC.